Expenditure over £250

Under the drive to improve openness and transparency across the public sector the government introduced the Freedom of Information Act which gives individuals rights of access to a wide variety of information held by public bodies such as the Council.

In the spirit of the legislation, starting from October 2010, the Council started publishing all expenditure items for goods and services over £500. From and including October 2012, the Council now publishes all expenditure items for goods and services over £250. The information will be published monthly, as an easily readable PDF file and a CSV file.

Expenditure Reports

2024/2025 Expenditure Reports

2023/2024 Expenditure Reports

2022/2023 Expenditure Reports

2021/2022 Expenditure Reports

2020/2021 Expenditure Reports

2019/2020 Expenditure Reports

2018/2019 Expenditure Reports

2017/2018 Expenditure Reports

2016/2017 Expenditure Reports

2015/2016 Expenditure Reports

2014/2015 Expenditure Reports

2013/2014 Expenditure Reports

2012/2013 Expenditure Reports

2011/2012 Expenditure Reports

2010/2011 Expenditure Reports

All expenditure items over £250 including VAT are included (£500 before October 2012). However, each transaction amount is shown excluding VAT, to represent the true cost to the Council.

The published information is drawn from our accounting system, Oracle e-business suite, and from our purchase card system.

The Council publishes the information, where possible, in accordance with the Government's Local Spending Data Guidance.

The following information is included:

Field Name Description
Body This is a link to our data on the Government’s data website.
Body name Solihull MBC
Service Area Categorisation The service area responsible for spending the money.
Date The date the invoice was entered onto the system. In the case of purchase card transactions, the date of purchase.
Transaction number A unique system generated number for each transaction.
Amount This is the value of the invoice, excluding VAT, charged to each Expense Area and Expenditure Type. Because invoices can be charged to more than one cost code, individual amounts on the report may be for less than £250.
Supplier Name The name of the supplier recorded on the Council’s financial system.
Supplier ID A unique system generated number for each supplier.
Cost Centre Description The name of the cost centre to which the invoice has been charged. Our coding structure reflects the organisation of the Council.
Expense Type The description of the type of expenditure, e.g. consultancy, stationery.
Expense Code The internal account code which represents the Expense Type.

The following information is redacted:

Whilst all transactions will be published, certain pieces of personal information within those transactions will be redacted, i.e. replaced with general terms, to provide protection under the Data Protection Act. Examples include the names of:

  • Children
  • Vulnerable adults
  • Foster parents
  • Recipients of compensation payments
  • Recipients of severance payments

Reuse of information

Anyone is free to use the data in accordance with our copyright and licence terms.

Contact details

If you have a query about the data published, please e-mail us at opengov@solihull.gov.uk stating your name, and details of the enquiry. If the query is about a specific transaction, please quote the transaction number stated in the report. We will respond to your enquiry within 20 working days.