The roles of overview and scrutiny are:
- holding the cabinet to account, particularly in meeting corporate priorities
- policy review and development
- external scrutiny of other local organisations
- performance management and review
- examining matters of particular concern either within the council or within the community
Overview and scrutiny can 'call-in' a decision which has been made but not yet implemented. Subject to certain safeguards, this allows a separate group of councillors to consider whether a decision has been made properly and that the decision maker has considered all relevant factors.
We have set up a Resources and Delivering Value Scrutiny Board and 4 scrutiny boards, each one responsible for specific areas of activity.
- Children’s Services, Education and Skills Scrutiny Board
- Economic Development and Managed Growth Scrutiny Board
- Stronger Communities and Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Board
- Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board
The work undertaken by each of the scrutiny boards can be found in the boards agendas and work plans.
How can I get involved?
If you are interested in a particular item and wish to speak at a board meeting, you must contact us at least 48 hours before the meeting.
Another way you can get involved is by suggesting a specific piece of work you would like the board to undertake.
To get involved you can complete our online form or call 0121 704 6049.
If you have assisted with one of the overview and scrutiny boards, we are interested to know about your experience.