Childcare Providers

photo of young child paintingSome under fives and all 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to funded early education funding. There are lots of childcare options available, and choosing the right one is a big decision.

To help you choose the right childcare provider for your child, you can read our childcare choices booklet which provides useful advice and tips on what you should look out for. You can also read the government’s Taking your child to an early years setting: information for parents leaflet which outlines the importance of children attending early years settings and answers a wide-range of frequently asked questions.

If you need support in finding a suitable childcare provider please contact the Family Information Service:

Children with additional needs

If you're choosing a daycare provider for a child with additional needs or a disability, our Inclusive Childcare factsheet has some great  tips and advice.

Childcare Providers in Solihull

To search for information on Ofsted registered childcare providers in Solihull please use the below link. Registered providers include Childminders, Day Nurseries, Out of School Clubs, Holiday Schemes, Wraparound Clubs, Pre-School Playgroups and Crèches.

Search for Childcare Providers

By clicking on the above link, you will be redirected to our new Family Information Service Directory website.

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

You can view Solihull’s latest Childcare Sufficiency Plan and the latest Childcare Sufficiency Assessment below.

Sufficiency Plan

Sufficiency Assessment

You can search for childcare outside of Solihull by using the Family And Childcare Trust childcare finder.

If you are an Ofsted registered childcare provider in Solihull you may be able to offer 2, 3 and 4 year old funding. Solihull MBC will require you to be Ofsted registered and to sign up to our local terms and conditions for funding. The Family Information Service process Early Education Funding in Solihull and maintain a directory of eligible providers.

In order to apply to become a funded provider please complete an application form and return it to the Family Information Service by or Family Information Service, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Council House, Manor Square, Solihull, B91 3QB.

Please note:

  • you will not be able to offer 2 year old funding if your latest Ofsted grade is Requires Improvement or Inadequate
  • you will not be able to offer 3 and 4 year old funding if your latest Ofsted grade is Inadequate 

If you haven’t been Ofsted inspected yet you will be able to offer 2, 3 and 4 year old funding and this will be reviewed once you have received your first inspection.

Once we have received your application to offer funding we will process this within 5 working days and arrange for you to receive further information on the funding process.

Visit our Early Years and Childcare website for information about becoming a childminder or childcare provider, becoming an early education funded provider, details of training currently on offer, up to date information and recommended reading that may be of interest.

Your children can also be cared for in your home by a nanny, au pair or babysitter. See our handy fact sheets which can help you select the best: