Financial documents

You can view and download our key financial documents.

Council Tax Financial Information

Information on Solihull Council’s budget and council tax requirement for the financial year 2024/25 can be found in our Council Tax leaflet.

You can also find information on the 2024/25 budget and spending requirements for the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority and Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), the transport arm of the West Midlands Combined Authority, and how these affect the council tax you pay.

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 - 2026/27

The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) sets out our approach to medium term financial planning and supports the delivery of the objectives and programmes set out in the Council Plan. It is designed to help provide a stable financial base from which to deliver our priorities, to move towards a more strategic longer term planning approach and to set a sound financial planning framework for Solihull Council.

The refreshed MTFS is supported by the Revenue Strategy, which includes details of the budget for 2024/25, together with the Corporate Capital Strategy and the Treasury Management Strategy

The Corporate Capital Strategy incorporates our strategy on the flexible use of capital receipts, which sets out how Solihull Council could use any capital receipts from the sale of property, plant or equipment assets to fund the costs of service reform. 

The Statement of Accounts


The Council’s 2023/24 Draft Statement of Accounts was approved by the Director of Resources and Section 151 officer on 29 May 2024. The accounts will be presented for approval by the Council’s Governance Committee on 26 June 2024. This document is now subject to audit by the Council’s external auditors, Grant Thornton.

The inspection period for the Council’s Draft Statement of Accounts and Draft Annual Governance Statement (below) has been set. You can view the Inspection Period Notice here.

The Draft Statement of Accounts, other documents and the Draft Annual Governance Statement (below) will be available for inspection from Thursday 30 May to Wednesday 10 July 2024 in line with the above Inspection Period Notice.

Please contact if you wish to view/inspect any documents.

Any objection, and the grounds on which it is being made, must be received by the auditor in writing with a copy to the Director of Resources within this period.

The Annual Governance Statement

The Council’s Draft Annual Governance Statement (AGS) for 2023/24 will be presented for approval by the Council’s Governance Committee on 26 June 2024.

The preparation and publication of an Annual Governance Statement is a statutory requirement. The AGS is the formal statement that recognises, records and publishes the Council’s governance arrangements. It is an open and honest self-assessment of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council’s (SMBC’s) performance across all of its activities, with a clear statement of the actions being taken or required to address areas of concern.


The Council’s 2022/23 Final Statement of Accounts was approved by the Council’s Governance Committee on 26 September 2023 with delegated approval provided for the accounts to be signed at a later date, on the basis that there were no material changes to the accounts. There were no material changes and the audited accounts were authorised for issue on 1 March 2024. The external Auditors concluded their audit following the issue of the Auditor’s Annual Report on 28 March 2024.

The Statement of Accounts includes our external auditor Grant Thornton’s independent audit report, the narrative report and all of the Council's financial statements, including the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement for the financial year and the Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2023. As the audit is now fully concluded, the Council has published the Notice of Conclusion of the Audit for 2022/23 and the Audit Certificate

The Annual Governance Statement

The preparation and publication of an Annual Governance Statement (AGS) is a statutory requirement. The AGS is the formal statement that recognises, records and publishes the Council’s governance arrangements. It is an open and honest self-assessment of Solihull Council’s (SMBC’s) performance across all of its activities, with a clear statement of the actions being taken or required to address areas of concern.
The Council’s Annual Governance Statement (AGS) for 2022/23 was approved by the Council’s Governance Committee on 27 July 2023.

Auditors Annual Report 2022/23

Audit Committee received the Auditors’ Annual Report for 2022/23 on 18 March 2024. Auditors are required to consider if the Council has appropriate arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness and outline any recommendations they have against the following criteria:

  • Financial Sustainability
  • Governance
  • Improving Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness

The Annual Report also includes the outcome of the Audit of our financial statements and the final Audit Opinion.

Financial Monitoring Reports

Solihull Council's quarterly financial monitoring reports for revenue and capital can be accessed through the Cabinet Meeting Agendas for individual Cabinets. These are normally presented at a meeting two months following the end of the quarter.

Historical documents

We also publish the following documents from previous years. 

Information from earlier years is also available on request, by emailing or you can telephone 0121 704 6245.