These documents help us to conserve and enhance Solihull’s local built and natural environment, landscape character and local distinctiveness. Also helping us protect wildlife, encourage community involvement , promote our parks and open spaces and promote sustainable development, they help shape our borough to be well designed, accessible and valued:
- Athletics Assessment
- Countryside Strategy: First Review 2010-2020
- Environmental Crime Strategy
- Green Infrastructure Study (SLP045)
- Green Spaces Strategy
- Green Spaces Strategy Summary
Green Spaces Strategy Review - Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy and Report (SLP073a)
- Manual for Streets
Manual for Streets 2 - Wider Application of the Principles - which extends its practices beyond residential streets to encompass both urban and rural situations. It is intended to assist those in the planning, construction and improvement of our streets to deliver more contextually sensitive designs - Nature Conservation Strategy: First Review 2010-2014
- Nature Conservation Strategy: Map for 2011
- North Solihull Design Code - Place making in North Solihull (SLP059)
- North Solihull Green Space Review (SLP072)
- Playing Pitch Assessment
- Single Use Plastics Strategy
- Solihull Flood Risk Management Strategy
- Urban Characterisation Study (SLP063)
- Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Sub-Regional Green Infrastructure Study
- Warwickshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (SLP061)
- Warwickshire Historic Farmsteads Characterisation (SLP062)