These documents aim to promote the health and wellbeing of the borough.
- Clean air strategy
- Domestic abuse strategy
- Cemetery and Crematorium Policy
- Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023-2024
- Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2032
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- Living Well in Solihull - Prevention Strategy
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-2025
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-2025 (Easy read)
- Supplementary Statement Solihull PNA 2023-2024
- Health Protection Annual Report 2022-23
- Public Health Divisional Plan 2022-23
- Public Health Funeral Policy 2023
- A Strategy for Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council & A Sustainable Service Plan for the Bereaved 2012-2042
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy 2023-2030
- Suicide Prevention Strategy 2023-2026
- Tackling health inequalities: a blueprint for Solihull 2022-2025
- Tackling health inequalities: a blueprint for Solihull 2022-2025 at a glance
- Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy