Monitoring your inclusion journey

Monitoring inclusive practice and outcomes with the whole school community is core to best practice. 

The following guidance and resources, co-produced with senior leaders, will be useful to support monitoring processes.

  • Inclusive practice within the setting is audited annually, for example: schools use the Solihull Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Audit Tool or an Inclusion Audit Tool from another provider. In addition, an EDI action plan, or equivalent, is developed and reviewed with children, parent carers, staff and all stakeholders.
  • CPD needs are identified through the audit of inclusive practice - including in relation to SEND, sharing of good practice within the setting and collaborative action research within school and across schools
  • There are whole school assessments, tracking and target setting procedures in place for all children and young people that allow staff to identify any child or young person not making expected progress, as early as possible
  • There are procedures in place to assess how effectively policies are implemented and learning needs are being met through a range of methods including classroom observations
  • Formative assessment and feedback are a feature of all lessons and evident in the marking and assessment policy
  • All staff are alert to indicators of a range of SEND so that concerns are identified as soon as possible and support put in place following a graduated approach
  • Additional support is recorded for children and young people with clear specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely (SMART) outcomes identified and reviewed as appropriate
  • Following catch up support there are clear processes for identifying pupils as having special educational needs and for delivering targeted/ targeted specialist SEN Support which targets their support needs and builds on their strengths
  • There are procedures in place for SLT to assess how effectively policies are implemented and staff are meeting the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND e.g. sensory audits, classroom observations and pupil panels, completing the AET standards audit etc
  • There are regular learning walks and classroom observations with a focus on specific aspects of inclusion and SEND
  • Systems are in place to monitor how effectively needs are being met including for young people educated off site
  • Progress for young people with SEND is monitored carefully using a range of progress measures not just academic. Pupils with SEND needs make at least expected progress from their starting points
  • Pupil, parent carer and staff views on the effectiveness of inclusive practice and SEND provision are gathered and acted upon as part of the school improvement cycle