There are clear policies on inclusion, equity, equality and diversity, the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing, which applies to all children, young people and adults within the school community.
The policies are developed and reviewed with pupils, staff, parent carers and governors which are openly available on the school website, and meet all current national requirements.
- The school development plan includes reference to promoting inclusion of the whole school community and positive mental health and well-being.
- Associated school policies such as inclusion, PSHE, Equality, Safeguarding, SEND, Anti-bullying and Behaviour are implemented consistently and regularly reviewed with the whole school community.
- The school has a policy on meeting the physical and medical needs of children within school that reflects the statutory requirements of the DfE document ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’ (2015).
- The School has a published Accessibility Plan which is regularly reviewed and includes an Access Audit.
- The school has a clear framework that demonstrates a broad and balanced curriculum in all subject areas.
- There is a procedure in place for supporting staff wellbeing, e.g. Stress Management Policy.
- Risk assessments and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans are completed for learners and staff with disabilities for example for access to the building, school trips etc. and then as required for temporary access needs, for example learners on crutches.
- Care plans are in place when the level of need requires and are reviewed at least annually. Generic care plans are available for more common conditions such as mild epilepsy and asthma. School staff ensure that care plans meet individual needs. Young Epilepsy have a free online Guide for schools for supporting young people with epilepsy. This guide provides information on supporting young people with epilepsy to ensure they are safe and included in all aspects of school life.
- Move to ensure that relational approaches are central to all policies e.g. aligned to trauma informed schools approaches, the 6 principles of a nurturing school, THRIVE principles, link to use of relational reintegration plans etc
- There is an effective approach to managing conflict, for example Restorative Justice.
- All interventions in school are evidenced based.
- Schools make adaptations to assessment arrangements.
- There is a careful induction for children and young people joining the school at both the beginning and throughout the academic year as required.
- School systems are flexible enough to support the individual needs of all children and young people on roll at the school including those educated off-site.
- There is adequate time available for staff to fulfil their safeguarding and SEND duties as required, for example, attending meetings, planning and any Continued Professional Development.
- There is a regular programme of staff CPD which supports the development of inclusive practice, understanding and removing barriers to accessing any aspect of the school curriculum and developing positive mental health and well-being.
- The SEND School Information Report is co-produced with parents and carers. It is published online, accessible to parents, includes information about Solihull’ s Local Offer and reflects Solihull’ s Graduated Approach to early identification and support.
- There is adequate time available for staff to fulfil their SEND duties as required, for example, attending meetings, planning and any Continued Professional Development.
- School staff are aware of how communication and interaction and learning needs can impact upon learning and emotional social, emotional and mental health needs.
- All staff in school are aware of their individual responsibility with respect to supporting physical and/or medical needs in school.
- School staff are aware that communication and interaction needs can present very differently between individuals (particularly in girls) and in different contexts (such as home and school).
- Children and young people are aware of who to approach in school to seek help. There are regular opportunities for this to take place, e.g. drop-in with members of staff.
- Parents know who to approach in school if they have concerns or information regarding their child’s emotional and mental health, learning and/or physical and/or medical needs.
- Training can be planned for specific conditions when required and can be requested through health services and SISS Sensory and Physical impairment Team where appropriate.
- Appropriate supervision, training and insurance arrangements are in place to enable staff to meet physical and/or medical needs.
- There is a nominated Governor who is responsible for SEND and Inclusion who ensures SEND is prioritised and discussed regularly at Governors meetings.
- There is a named governor with responsibility for monitoring and supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of the senior leadership team, especially the head teacher, SENCo and Safeguarding leads, for example using termly supervision.
- Autism Education Trust - Schools professional development programme
- Children and Families Act (2014)
- Counselling in schools (2016)
- DfE Teachers’ Standards (2013)
- Education Endowment Foundation Improving Behaviour in Schools (2019)
- Educational Endowment Foundation Toolkit (2011)
- Equality Act (2010)
- Health and Safety: responsibilities and duties for schools (2018)
- Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023)
- Medical conditions at school
- Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools (2018)
- NASEN mini guide: Children with medical needs: What schools and settings need to know
- National Deaf Children Society: Supporting the Achievement of Deaf Children in Primary Schools
- National Deaf Children Society: Supporting the Achievement of Deaf Children in Secondary Schools
- National Sensory Impaired Partnership Eligibility Framework
- NICE guidelines on Autism
- OFSTED education inspection framework
- pdnet Online Training Accessibility Toolkit with advice and template
- Social and emotional wellbeing in primary and secondary education
- Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (2015)
- The SEND Code of Practice (2014)
- The reading framework teaching the foundations of literacy (July 2021)
- Timpson Review of School Exclusions (2019)
- Working together to safeguard Children (2023)
- What works in promoting social and emotional well-being and responding to mental health problems in schools (2015)
- Pathways to the Identification of dyslexia, dyscalculia, and developmental co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia)
- Solihull’s manual handling policy
- Solihull’s Accessibility Strategy
- Solihull’s Guidance on Special Toileting Needs in Schools and Early Years' Settings (needs links to Solihull policies)