The Children With Disabilities (CWD) Team supports children up to the age of 18 who have learning disabilities, a physical or sensory impairment, chronic and life threatening or life limiting illness or multiple disabilities whose needs cannot be met through universal, targeted or early help support.
We will assess the needs of children and young people with disabilities who may require additional support because of the impact of their disability.
Access to social care support
There are several routes to access social care support for children with additional needs and disabilities.
Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP)
Your child's needs may be assessed as part of their EHC plan, if social care needs are identified for your child in line with the SEND code of practice and Children and Families Act 2014.
If your child already has an EHCP, then we may assess their needs as part of the annual review process if social care needs are identified.
If you require social care support in between EHCP review process, you can request support through the Solihull front Door/Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
Contact the Children With Disabilities Team
If a child/young person receives Level 2 support (Direct payments) from our Children With Disabilities Team and you want to review their support plan or require advice, guidance or signposting to services, please feel free to contact the team on 0121 788 4210.
Occupational Therapy
If you have responsibilities for a child with a long term health condition or disability, our Occupational Therapy can provide advice and explore options for rehabilitation, equipment, and adaptations to your home to enable your child to remain as independent as possible.
Direct Payments for disabled children – Information for parents