CWD - What to expect from a social care assessment

We will listen carefully to what you have to say, offer advice, and, if appropriate, support to bring up your children and deal with any areas of difficulty. We will keep you informed about what we are doing and thinking.

With a little help, most families can sort out their difficulties and our aim is to help you do that.

What do you do with my information?

Your written consent to share your information with other relevant people and agencies is important. We will discuss this with you and you will be asked to sign a consent form. We will electronically record any relevant information we gather. 

In line with Solihull Safeguarding procedures there may be occasions where consent is not sought before speaking to partner agencies. Procedures and practice guidance can be obtained from the Safeguarding partnership.

We treat any information you give us in confidence within Solihull Council, amongst those needing to know. If we need to discuss it with anyone else, we will usually ask your permission, unless there is a serious threat to a child’s welfare. Your social worker will discuss this with you