If you think that a parking fine has been wrongly issued, you have 28 days to challenge from the date the fine was issued.
How do I appeal?
All challenges must be put in writing. Under no circumstances will an appeal be accepted verbally or in person.
Please ensure that you include the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) number and submit your appeal by:
You can appeal by sending a letter to:
Parking Enforcement
Solihull Council
Council House
B91 3QB
What happens next?
After investigation of your case, we will then respond in writing, either cancelling the fine, or identifying that there were not proper grounds for cancellation.
After we've received your appeal we'll provide our response within 56 days.
Discretion and mitigation policy
Guidelines for the consideration of Challenges and Representations against Penalty Charge Notices.
What do I do if my appeal was unsuccessful?
- If your appeal was received by us within 14 days of the Penalty Charge Notice issue date, the option to pay at the discounted rate will be held until a decision is made, you then have 14 days to pay at the discounted rate
- If your appeal was received by us after 14 days of the Penalty Charge Notice issue date you will need to pay the full amount
- You can appeal to the independent Parking Adjudicator (TPT) using the 'Notice of Appeal' which we will include with your letter