Shirley Park

Green Flag park award

A Green Flag Park lying in the centre of the local region’s busy shopping area.

Shirley Park - the essentials

Shirley Park reopened in June 2014 following £600,000 of improvement works including improved access, new play equipment, outdoor gym, community artwork, planting, refurbished tennis courts and a dog agility area.

With a play area including swings, slides, springers and a roundabout, there is a lot for you to do in Shirley Park with:

  • a football pitch
  • free car parking
  • formal walkways
  • ornamental gardens
  • summer park events
  • a rugby pitch
  • a skate park
  • tennis courts

To book the rugby or football pitch at Shirley Park, our form is easy to complete.

You can also apply to have hold your event at Shirley Park.

Shirley Park - address and opening times

Shirley Park
Stratford Road
B90 3AL

Monday to Sunday 24 hours

  • Car Parks open from 8.00am
  • Summer Car Parks (April - September) closing between 8.00pm and 9.00pm
  • Winter Car Parks (October - March) closing between 4.00pm and 5.00pm

Shirley Park - accessibility

Enjoying Shirley Park is possible for anyone wanting to get out in the fresh air with:

  • bus routes 6, 49 and 76 all stopping near the park
  • Shirley train station being close by

To help get fit and stay fit, there is a 1 mile Shirley Park walking trail organised by Solihull Active.

Shirley Park - playground

The park enjoys a great space for families to play, and is complete with:

  • crazy mirrors
  • play car
  • horse springers
  • junior multi play
  • toddler multi play
  • junior swings
  • toddler swings
  • junior mound slide
  • senior slide
  • revolution roundabout
  • talking flowers

Book a tennis court

We have recently partnered with the Lawn Tennis Association to resurface the tennis courts at Shirley Park.

Our courts are free to hire, you just need to book your slot.

Book your tennis court

Shirley Park - skate park

The park is also great for skateboarders, with a dedicated area having:

  • four quarter pipes
  • fun box
  • grind box
  • grind rails
  • pyramid

Dog agility area

The dog agility area was designed following consultation with park users and is a secure enclosed, free to use facility with a number of obstacles and pieces of equipment to increase activity and improve the health of both dog and owners.

We hope that users will monitor the area but If there are any concerns please contact us be email or call 0121 704 8000.

Shirley Park - a little more information

Shirley park

Originally farmland, the landscaping of Shirley Park has delivered wonderful ornamental gardens and walkways which take pleasant journeys through the park.

With many activities also available, and Park Events through the year, it is a great space for families to play, have a picnic, as well as being a wonderful place to explore.

Palmers Rough Local Nature Reserve is also close by.