Balsall Neighbourhood Plan

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Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan receives a ‘yes’ vote at referendum

Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan receives a ‘yes’ vote at referendum and is now ‘made’.

The Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum was held on Thursday 6 May 2021. Residents eligible to vote were asked “‘Do you want Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Balsall Parish to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?’

The referendum result showed clear support for the Neighbourhood Plan with a total of 1,796 votes cast in favour (87%), and 269 votes against. 

The Neighbourhood Plan was formally ’made’ by the Council at Full Cabinet on 17 June 2021. It will now be used by the Local Planning Authority to help it determine planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area.

Previous news

Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

Following an independent examination of the Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Council has agreed that the Plan (as modified to accord with the agreed recommendations of the Independent Examiner) should proceed to referendum.

The referendum on the Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan took place on 6 May 2021.

Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Plan Examination

The independent Examination of the Balsall Neighbourhood Plan was conducted by Mr Andrew Matheson MRTPI FCIH DipTP MSc MPA. Examination of the Plan started on 7 October 2019 and the Examiner’s report has now been received and is available to view here. The Council will consider the Examiners report and respond to each of the recommendations.

For transparency, a summary of the representations received in response to the Regulation 16 consultation on the Submission Draft Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan and copies of correspondence between the Examiner and Balsall Parish Council can be viewed below:

Solihull MBC Summary of representations received on the Submission Draft Balsall Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan
Independent Examiner – Andrew Matheson

Examiner’s Opening Enquiries for Balsall Parish Council and Solihull MBC dated 18 October 2019

Examiner’s Further Enquiries for Balsall Parish Council and Solihull MBC dated 19 November 2019

Balsall Parish Council

Response to Examiner’s Opening Enquiries dated 14 November 2019

Response to Examiner’s Further Enquiries dated 28 November 2019

Solihull MBC

Response to Examiner’s Opening Enquiries dated 19 November 2019

Response to Examiner’s Further Enquiries dated 29 November 2019

Plan referred to in Response to Examiner’s Further Enquiries

Balsall Neighbourhood Plan Submission Draft

Balsall Parish Council formally submitted its submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan to the Council for public Consultation.

Consultation on the Submission Draft ran for a period of 6 weeks from Thursday 13 June 2019 until Friday 26 July 2019 before progressing to independent Examination. The Submission Draft and other supporting information can be viewed below:

Balsall Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Draft

On 10 December 2018, in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Balsall Parish Council commenced consultation on their Pre-Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Balsall Neighbourhood Plan - Summary of Progress

Neighbourhood Area Application Submitted February 2017
Neighbourhood Area Designated July 2017
Pre-Submission (Regulation 14) Consultation December 2018
Submission April 2019
Examination October 2019
Referendum 6 May 2021
Plan ‘Made’ 17 June 2021