Small Items Collection Terms and Conditions

Solihull provides a free bookable collection service for batteries, paint, small electrical items and paint.

Terms and Conditions

Before you book a small items collection you will need to read and agree to the following terms and conditions.

We will collect small quantities of unwanted paint. If you have empty paint cans these can be placed in your black bin. Please do not put cans containing paint in your waste or recycling bins as they can cause spillages on the vehicle and on the highway. Paint spillages will contaminate recycling and mean we cannot recycle it. If we can identify the source of paint we reserve the right to recharge the costs of any cleansing required to clear up the mess to the property.

When presenting paint for collection please

  • Ensure that the lid is securely on the paint can
  • Ensure that there is no wet paint on the paint can
  • To note we will not be held responsible for any spillages of paint that occur due to paint lids not being secure
  • On the day of your booking, leave your items outside your front door or if you live in a block of flats leave the items outside the main building front door
  • Items should be out for collection by 8.00am
  • Your items should be presented as indicated in the table below:
Item How to present Maximum Quantities
Batteries In tied sandwich sized bag 1 Bag
Paint Lid on, sealed container - clean container.  3 Cans
Maximum size, 10 Litres
Small Electrical Items Need to fit inside a carrier bag. Items need to be intact  3 Carrier sized bags
Textiles (Clothing and Shoes) Clean and dry. Shoes to be in pairs. In a dustbin bag sized bag. 2 Bags
  • If access is required through gates, they should be left unlocked, dogs should be kept inside the property and parked cars should not obstruct your items
  • Items that can get heavy when wet (e.g. textiles) should be kept dry to ensure that the collection crew can remove them
  • You do not have to be home when we collect your items
  • We will only collect the items selected for collection
  • We will not collect more than the maximum quantity per material type
  • If the items are not available on the day of collection. We will not return to collect them and you will need to book another collection
  • We reserve the right to amend collection dates should it prove necessary due to external factors. This includes but is not limited to adverse weather conditions, industrial action, fires, breakdown of vehicles or machinery
  • In the event of adverse weather conditions we will make every attempt to carry out collections, however, if it is not possible to carry out collections we will post this information on our website and social media feeds
  • We may take photographs of items presented for collection
  • We cannot tell you your exact collection time
  • We will not collect additional items that have been left out
  • We will not collect any paint cans larger than 10 litres

If you need to cancel your booking please call 0121 704 8000 by midday on the last working day before your booking.

We are collecting this data for the purposes of delivering the small items collection service as detailed above. This information is shared with Veolia who are our contractor for the purposes of delivering the service on our behalf.

It may also be shared with other council services and partner organisations to ensure our records are kept accurate and to help us to identify services or benefits you may be entitled to or interested in.  We may also need to share your information for the prevention and detection of fraud and/or other crimes or as the law requires. For further information please refer to the Council’s Privacy Statement or contact us via email.

Solihull Council reserves the right to make reasonable amendments to these terms and conditions. Notification of the amendments will be noted on the council website.