There are steps you need to follow to make sure that food at your event is safe to enjoy.
When hiring in catering services at your event you should consider:
- are they registered with a Local Authority, if they need to do so
- what is their Food Hygiene Rating - it’s good practice to set a minimum rating expected for those trading at your event
- consider the level of training staff have in food hygiene and safety
- asking for copies of their last Environmental Health Inspection Report and copies of their training certificates
Licenced and contract street traders
The Council have several contracted and licenced street traders for many of the parks and open spaces within the borough. The fee paid by the street trader includes all the due diligence checks completed by the Council before we provide permission to trade.
The street traders are told in advance of all events and have a right to trade in their approved location. You must supply us with evidence that, where appropriate, approved street traders have been given first refusal..
Information on concessions should be emailed to parksmanagement@solihull.gov.uk.
Food safety advice
Our guidance for market stalls and mobile venders tells you how to meet food and health and safety laws.
You can also find more advice from The Food Standards Agency on:
- Allergen guidance for food businesses - including the new prepacked for direct sale (PPDS) legislation
- Safe barbecuing
- Providing food at community and charity events