Care at home

Care at home services support people in their own homes to look after themselves, stay independent and manage daily living tasks.

Having a paid carer visit you in your home can make a huge difference to your life, especially if you have difficulty walking or getting around or everyday tasks are becoming more difficult.

Having a paid carer can be temporary, for example for a few weeks while you recover from an illness. Or it can be long term. Getting the support you need at the right time can help you to stay well and reduce the risk of falls.

This type of care is known as care at home, homecare or domiciliary care.

What is care at home?

Care at home involves a trained care worker coming into your home to provide support visits which typically last from thirty minutes to an hour where they can help you with a range of activities.

These include:  

  • getting out of bed in the morning
  • washing and dressing
  • using the toilet
  • preparing meals and drinks
  • remembering to take your medicines
  • getting settled in the evening and ready for bed

How do I get care at home?

If you want support to look after yourself and stay independent at home:

Who pays for care at home?

If you are eligible for care and support under the Care Act, we may fund some or all of the cost of your care dependent on your assessed ability to pay.

You will need to pay for your own care (sometimes known as being a self-funder) if:

  • you have savings of more than £23,250
  • you are a couple with savings of more than £46,500

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