Professional safeguarding concern

This page is for professionals and providers.

If you are not a professional or provider please visit our Protecting adults page.

This form is to tell us about a safeguarding concern that you want Solihull Adult Social Care to investigate.

Before you start to fill in the form, please consider the points below:

  • does the adult you are concerned about have care and support needs?
  • AND are they experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect?
  • AND as a result of those care and support needs, are they unable to protect themselves from either the risk, or the experience, of abuse or neglect?

If the answer is ‘no’ to any of these questions, it may not be necessary to raise a safeguarding concern. Instead, contact our Adult Duty Team on 0121 704 8007, or using secure email, with the details of the incident and we will record it on the person’s file.

If you answer ‘no’ to any of the above, but still have concerns and want us to take safeguarding action, please continue to the form.

If you require an immediate response please call our Adult Duty Team on 0121 704 8007. If you are calling on an evening or weekend please call the Emergency Duty Team on 0121 605 6060.

If the person is in immediate danger or you think a criminal act is being committed then please contact the police by calling 999.

You should only complete this form if the concern/incident occurred within the borough of Solihull to an adult who has or is likely to have care and support needs. If the concern/incident did not occur within Solihull please report your concern to the relevant local authority.

Report a safeguarding concern