Adult social care services are not free for everyone. Most people will have to pay something towards the cost of their care, with some people having to pay the full cost.
To help you to plan your care, if you have savings and assets of less than £23,250 we'll carry out a financial assessment with you.
If you have savings and assets of more than £23,250 or choose not to disclose your financial information, you will have to pay the full costs of your care. This means you are known as a self-funder.
This page explains more about being a self-funder, the support available and what to do if your financial situation changes.
Continuing Health Care
Receiving care when it is needed is an important part of supporting your independence and maintaining your wellbeing and confidence. It can also prevent or delay future care needs arising, despite any costs associated with this.
Some people with long-term complex health needs qualify for free health and social care arranged and funded solely by the NHS. This is known as Continuing Health Care (CHC).