We have three cemeteries in Solihull.
Attendance at funerals for burials
Attendance at a graveside is unlimited.
Attendance at funerals for cremations
Scatterings and cremated remains interments can be booked through your funeral director.
The Book of Remembrance Room and waiting rooms are now open.
Cemetery and crematorium bookings
Burials and cremations should be made through your funeral director.
We do not have organ facilities within our crematoria.
Dedicated memorials
Memorial headstone permits are being processed and stonemasons should email these to robinhoodcemetery@solihull.gov.uk. Find more information on our Memorial Options page.
At Woodlands Cemetery we have memorials dedicated to children and to members of the armed forces commissioned by The Friends of Woodlands Cemetery.
We also have memorials commemorating those lost in Road Traffic Accidents.
Grass cutting
Due to the recent inclement weather and the subsequent ground conditions, mowing of the grass is not currently possible. Mowing will resume when ground conditions improve.
Robin Hood Tranquillity Gardens
Due to Health and Safety reasons we have removed the entrance section to the Pergola in our Tranquillity Gardens at Robin Hood Cemetery. This has allowed us to make the area more accessible in time for the festive season. Please be aware that the remainder of the section remains unstable and should not be entered.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you, however your safety is our priority.
Pond in Robin Hood Cemetery
We commenced work in October to improve the pond at Robin Hood Cemetery. The first phase of works are complete and we will revisit the completion of scheduled works when the spring arrives.
Thank you for your patience whilst these works are being completed.
Streetsbrook Road
B90 3NL
You can view an accessibility guide for the cemetery at AccessAble.
Visiting the cemetery
Summer opening: 1 April until 31 October
- Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 6.00pm
- Sundays and bank holidays from 10.00am to 6.00pm
Winter Opening: 1 November until 31 March
- Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Sundays and bank holidays from 10.00am to 4.30pm
- Christmas Day and Boxing Day from 10.00am to 2.00pm
About the cemetery
Opened in 1917, the cemetery covers an area of 45 acres, a Cemetery Chapel was constructed in 1931, the extensive grounds consist of ancient woodland, with traditional graves, lawn graves, cremated remains graves, remembrance gardens set aside for the scattering of cremated remains and specialised memorial areas where a wide range of memorials are available.
The Crematorium was opened in 1958 and the chapel was modified and extended in 2017. The chapel can accommodate up to 80 people seated and 120 people standing.
Birmingham Road
North Warwickshire
B46 1DP
You can view an accessibility guide for the cemetery at AccessAble.
Visiting the cemetery
Summer opening: 1 April until 31 October
- Monday to Saturday 9.00am to 6.00pm
- Sundays and bank holidays 10.00am to 6.00pm
Winter Opening: 1 November until 31 March
- Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Sundays and bank holidays from 10.00am to 4.30pm
- Christmas Day and Boxing Day from 10.00am to 2.00pm
About the cemetery
Opened in 1984 the grounds consist of lawn graves, children’s graves, cremated remains graves and remembrance gardens set aside for the scattering of cremated remains. The cemetery has an extensive woodland area containing an ancient decoy pool.
In 2000 the existing cemetery chapel was modified and extended to make provision for the Crematorium. The style and architecture was carefully planned to match the existing building and is sympathetic to its rural location. The chapel can accommodate up to 60 people seated and 60 people standing.
Widney Manor Road
Bentley Heath
B93 9AA
You can view an accessibility guide for the cemetery at AccessAble.
Visiting the cemetery:
Summer opening: 1 April until 31 October
- Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 6.00pm
- Sundays and bank holidays from 10.00am to 6.00pm
Winter Opening: 1 November until 31 March
- Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Sundays and bank holidays from 10.00am to 4.30pm
- Christmas Day and Boxing Day from 10.00am to 2.00pm
About the cemetery
Opened in 1992 and situated in a rural setting. The cemetery consists of traditional graves, lawn graves, Muslim graves, Greek Orthodox graves, Coptic Christian graves, children’s graves, cremated remains graves and a remembrance garden set aside for the scattering of cremated remains.
View our full list of fees and charges.
View our full list of fees and charges 2025/26.
Within our fees and charges, we mention ‘resident’ and ‘non-resident’ fees. A resident is someone who pays council tax to Solihull Council or lived within Solihull up to the last 2 years of their life. If our social care team placed the deceased in a care home outside of Solihull, they will still be treated as a ‘resident’.
Your proof of residency could be:
- a council tax bill dated within the last 2 years
- a driving licence that lists an address responsible for paying council tax to Solihull Council - you can check this at GOV.UK
- a utility bill for a property within the Solihull borough dated within the last 2 years
- medical correspondence or correspondence from any government department addressed to you at a property in Solihull dated within the last two years
Mourners are reminded that items which are considered to be a health and safety concern should not be left in the grounds. Items such as glass, shepherd’s crooks and alcohol will be removed in line with our rules and regulations along with any other items that could be a health and safety concern, as soon as they have been identified.
If you think you may have left items on the grave of your loved one that could be a health and safety concern and would like to arrange a collection, please contact us by email at robinhoodcemetery@solihull.gov.uk, providing the following information:
- cemetery
- grave number
- name of the deceased
- items removed
- your name
- your telephone number
New regulations to reform death certification in England and Wales came into force on Monday 9 September 2024.
Under the reforms, all deaths will legally become subject to either a medical examiner’s scrutiny or a coroner’s investigation.
You can find out more about the reforms at GOV.UK.
If someone dies and has no next of kin, or their family, friends or relatives can’t or won’t arrange and pay for a funeral, we have a responsibility to provide a Public Health Funeral.
Our Public Health Funeral Policy is the guidance that we use arranging Public Health Funerals.
All bookings should be made through your funeral director
All enquiries about the maintenance of the cemetery grounds can be be made to Solihull Connect
- Telephone: 0121 704 8000
- Email: connectcc@solihull.gov.uk
All other enquiries can be made to the Cemeteries and Crematoria Office.
- Telephone: 0121 709 7009
- Email: robinhoodcemetery@solihull.gov.uk
Cemeteries and Crematoria Office: Bereavement Service Support Team, Solihull Register Office, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3QZ
Office hours are:
- Monday - 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Tuesday - 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Wednesday - 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Thursday - 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Friday - 9.00am to 5.00pm
Phone lines are open 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Face to Face appointments are by appointment only, please call 0121 709 7009 to make an appointment.