Every applicant for British citizenship is required to attend a citizenship ceremony to swear an oath or affirmation of allegiance to the Crown and make a pledge to uphold the values and laws of the UK.
If the Home Office approves your application for British citizenship, they will send you an invitation letter which will tell you who to contact to book your citizenship ceremony. This must be completed within 3 months of the date stated in your letter.
The ceremony
Solihull ceremonies are performed in the:
Register Office
Homer Road
B91 3QZ
Unless stated otherwise.
An access guide for the Register Office is available at AccessAble.
You should arrive 30 minutes before your ceremony.
If your ceremony starts at:
- 1.00pm it will finish around 1.30pm
- 3.00pm it will finish around 3.30pm
Ceremony dates
- Wednesday 21 May
- Wednesday 18 June
- Wednesday 16 July at 1.00pm and 3.00pm
- Wednesday 13 August
- Wednesday 17 September
- Wednesday 15 October
- Wednesday 12 November at 1.00pm and 3.00pm
- Wednesday 10 December
How to book
When we receive your paperwork from the Home Office we will email you (or your representative) and confirm you can go ahead and book your ceremony.
If you would prefer to book a private ceremony this takes place at Solihull Register Office and is subject to a fee, room and staff availability.
Change or cancel your booking
If you wish to cancel or amend the date of your booking please view our citizenship fees and email us at eventscoord@solihull.gov.uk.
What does the ceremony involve and who can attend?
The ceremony takes the following format:
- you will be welcomed into the community by the Registration team
- you will be required to swear the oath or take the affirmation of allegiance, and the pledge of loyalty
- you will be presented with your Certificate of Naturalisation
- the National Anthem will be played
You are able to bring 2 guests to your group ceremony.
How do I become a British Citizen?
You should contact the Home Office who will be able to advise you, please telephone 0845 010 5200 or email nationalityenquiries@ind.homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk.
Further information can be found on the Home Office website.
If your preparing for your UK Citizenship test our virtual reference library can help. Life in Great Britain is an online learning resources you can use at home with your Solihull library card - it's free to join.