How to pay business rates

Business rates, also called non-domestic rates, is a local tax that is payable on non-domestic property, in the same way that council tax is payable on domestic property.

Properties for which rates are payable include shops, factories, hotels and offices, but properties used for any non-domestic purpose are likely to be rateable.

We will send you a business rates bill each year.

We collect business rates from over 5,000 business properties in our borough. Under the business rates retention arrangements introduced from 1 April 2013, authorities keep a proportion of the business rates paid locally.

If you pay business rates, there are several rate reductions that you may be eligible for.

Follow this link to see how a business rates bill is calculated.


Payment for the financial year starting in April and ending in March will be by 10 monthly instalments from April to January.  If requested before 15 April, payment can be made over 12 months.

Your instalment due date will be the 1st of the month unless you ask to pay on the 15th .

You can pay your business rates by:

Direct Debit

Direct debit is the preferred method of payment for businesses within Solihull. To register, simply download our direct debit application form.


Pay online now

You will need a debit or credit card and your business rates account reference number.


Pay using your debit or credit card by calling 0300 456 0502.

This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls are charged at a local rate.

You will need your debit or credit card and your business rates account reference number.

In person

You can pay by cash, cheque or card at one of our Solihull Connect walk-in centres.


Make payment to Barclays Bank, Solihull MBC Business Rates quoting:

  • sort code 20-07-71
  • account number 60474320
  • your 8-digit business rates account number

Problems paying?

If you have problems paying your business rates, please contact us immediately on 0121 704 8078.

You can also use our enquiry form.

Contact us about business rates

Business rates reductions may apply in some cases, and every effort will be made to reach a mutually acceptable agreement..

If payment is not received, reminder notices will be issued. If these are ignored, further recovery action will be taken. This could result in a court summons and the instruction of enforcement agents to seize goods.  In appropriate circumstances, insolvency proceedings may be taken.