Town centre access

Access to Solihull High Street and Mell Square is restricted to vehicles and controlled by barriers. These are in place to help keep pedestrians safe and the area free from traffic.

However, we recognise there will be times when vehicle access to the High Street or Mell Square may be required. This should meet one of the following three categories:

  • business and events - you will need to first contact our events team
  • maintenance and upgrades - you will need to first contact our highways permits team
  • regular and repeat visits

Before you apply

Due to a Traffic Regulation Order, we will only allow access from 6.00pm to 8.30am.

Code of conduct

Our application form also includes the code of conduct for vehicles using the Town Centre. Your access rights will be immediately cancelled if this is not always followed. 

Application form

The below application form should be completed and returned to the email address indicated on the application form for consideration by the relevant department.

There is a one-off fee for Part B applications only, payment instructions will be sent by our permits team.

Apply using our printable form

Apply using our editable form