Start for Life offer

Our Start for Life offer includes an overview of information, advice, and places to go in Solihull to make the very best of the first 1,001 days of your child's life.


From trying for a baby and the moment you know you’re pregnant, there are lots of services available in Solihull to support you with your health, preparing for a baby and any questions or concerns you may have along the way. No matter what your situation is, our local Maternity and Health Visiting services are here to provide help and guidance and answer any queries you may have.

Preparing for pregnancy

Help and advice on preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy and be found at Planning your pregnancy - NHS ( with information on taking folic acid, stopping smoking, alcohol use, being a healthy weight, medicines and more.

Maternity care

From thinking you may be pregnant, throughout your pregnancy and in the early days of having a baby, your local maternity service will support you every step of the way. You can receive maternity care by:

  • Speaking to your GP if you think you’re pregnant/have had a positive pregnancy test
  • Or by referring yourself

Local maternity support is provided for pregnant women in Solihull by the NHS and you can find out more on the Local Maternity and Neonatal System  site.

For young first-time mothers and their partners aged 19 and under (or up to 21 years if they have been in care), there is a Family Nurse Partnership programme in Solihull. There are trained nurses who deliver a specially designed programme for younger parents/carers from pregnancy up to when their child is 2 years old and you can find out more on the Solihull Family Nurse Partnership site.

For useful information and advice on getting prepared for baby’s arrival, from talking to your bump to emotional health to packing a bag for the hospital- visit the Solihull Health for Under 5s Pregnancy site

Parenting Courses

Every Solihull resident can complete a range of online parenting courses, you can complete in your own time for FREE using the access code APPLEJACKS at Solihull Approach Parenting Programmes

There are a range of free courses that can be completed at your own pace, including:

Pregnancy- this online course is for everyone involved with the new baby who wants to find out more about pregnancy, bonding and preparing for the little one’s arrival.

After the Birth- this online course is for everyone around a new baby, packed with advice and support for the early weeks and months with a new baby.  

Healthy Start Vouchers

If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

If you meet the requirements, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops. The money will be added on to this card every 4 weeks.

You can use your card to buy:

  • plain liquid cow’s milk
  • fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables
  • fresh, dried, and tinned pulses
  • infant formula milk based on cow’s milk

You can also use your card to collect:

  • Healthy Start vitamins – these support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Vitamin drops for babies and young children – these are suitable from birth to 4 years old

Find out more about if you are eligible and how to apply at NHS Healthy Start

If you are struggling to pay for food for yourself and your family please visit Help with Food in Solihull for help and advice.

The first few weeks and months are very important for their health, developing brain and wellbeing. Your local Health Visiting team are on hand to help with any issues you are facing on your journey. From expert advice on topics like feeding and sleep to courses and parenting classes, there’s lots of support to help you every step of the way.

Health Visiting Service

Health Visitors are qualified specialist community nurses who work with families providing expert advice and support. They work with a range of organisations to support babies and families in the early years to be healthy and thriving.

There are five scheduled visits as follows:

  • whilst you are pregnant
  • 10-14 days after birth
  • when your baby is 6-8 weeks old
  • when your baby is 12 months old
  • when your baby is 2 years old

At these appointments, the team will offer help and advice and discuss further support as necessary and you can find out more at Your Health Visiting Service - Solihull

The team also deliver sessions on child development in the community and online on topics such as introducing solid foods and preparing for school. For more information, support and advice visit the Solihull Health for Under 5s website.

If you have any questions for your Health Visitor, ChatHealth is a confidential secure text messaging service for parents of children aged 0-5 years. The service operates Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm, not including bank holidays. All texts will be responded to by a health visitor within 24 hours. Outside of the service working hours, you’ll receive a message back to inform you that your text will be responded to once the service reopens. Solihull Health Visiting Service: text 07507 332563.

Meet other new parents/carers

Sharing the experience of early parenthood with others that are at the same stage can be hugely helpful and an enjoyable part of having a new baby. Solihull Family Hubs will have sessions for parents/carers with little ones at a similar stage so you can meet and know that you are not alone.

Parenting Courses

Every Solihull resident can complete a range of online parenting courses, you can complete in your own time for FREE using the access code APPLEJACKS at Solihull Approach Parenting Programmes

There are a range of free courses that can be completed at your own pace, including:

After the Birth- this online course is for everyone around a new baby, packed with advice and support for the early weeks and months with a new baby. 

Solihull Infant Feeding Team

No matter how you decide to give your baby food, it is crucial to make sure they get the right kind of food to help them grow, stay healthy, and develop well. The Solihull Infant Feeding Team is a team that can help you with advice and support from pregnancy onwards.

The Solihull Infant Feeding Team offer online antenatal (before birth) classes, breastfeeding cafes, bump to baby groups and are available to offer you the support you need on your feeding journey. They can help you with any worries you have about feeding, bonding with your baby and meeting other breastfeeding parents. Find out more about all the Infant Feeding Activities and Support available in Solihull.

The Solihull Health for Under 5's website has lots of feeding advice and Information to support you on your feeding journey.

You can also contact your Solihull Health Visiting Team if you have any questions or worries about feeding, yourself or your baby’s health.

If you have any questions for your Health Visitor or Infant Feeding Team, ChatHealth is a confidential secure text messaging service for parents of children aged 0-5 years. The service operates Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm, not including bank holidays. All texts will be responded to by a health visitor within 24 hours. Outside of the service working hours, you’ll receive a message back to inform you that your text will be responded to once the service reopens. Solihull Health Visiting Service: text 07507 332563

Oral health

Looking after your baby’s teeth from when the teeth start coming through is important to avoid tooth decay and gum disease. Find out more information on when and how to start brushing your baby’s teeth and how to access a dentist if you have concerns on the NHS Looking After Your Baby's Teeth page. Find out some useful tips on how to brush your child’s teeth by watching the  Healthy Teeth for Children video.

Taking care of yourself during pregnancy and with a new baby is incredibly important for parents and their little one. Your mental health matters and we understand the challenges that can come with this journey. Support is available if you or someone you know is struggling with your emotional health through pregnancy and early parenthood. A healthy start for your baby includes taking care of yourself too.

Getting help and advice

It is important to look after your emotional and mental health during pregnancy and whilst looking after children. Your local GP, maternity and health visiting service can support you if you are struggling with your emotional health during pregnancy and after. Contact your Local Maternity Service or Solihull Health Visiting Team , who are trained to support you through the first weeks, months and early years of your child’s life and will listen without judgement.

If you would like to get in touch with your health visitor, there is a confidential secure text messaging service for parents of children aged 0-5 years called ChatHealth. The service operates Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 4.00pm, not including bank holidays. All texts will be responded to by a health visitor within 24 hours. Outside of the service working hours, you’ll receive a message back to inform you that your text will be responded to once the service reopens. You can text Solihull Health Visiting Service on 07507 332563

If you think you or someone you know may be at risk of hurting themselves or others, call 999 or go to A&E. If you feel your mental health is getting worse or you are having thoughts of suicide it is important you keep yourself safe and get some help, find more information on what to do in a mental health emergency. A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one. You will not be wasting anyone’s time.

If you or someone you know is struggling with your mental health, know that you are not alone. There are lots of services available to help you both in person, online and over the phone including:

  • For pregnant women and new mothers (with a baby under 12 months) with mental health conditions, there is Perinatal Mental Health Service.
  • For anyone in the family, there are a range of mental health support services.
  • There are also services to support people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. Find out more on suicide prevention support services .

Even before a baby is born, their little brains are growing and learning. Taking good care of your baby’s brain as they grow up through bonding, play and talking is important because it helps your child relate well to others and protects their lifelong health and wellbeing. There are lots of great websites and courses on this page to help you and everyone involved in a baby’s life learn the best ways to give a child the best experiences to build a health brain.

Solihull Five to Thrive

Solihull’s Five to Thrive website has lots of useful information on how to have fun and build your little one’s brain all the way from pregnancy to five years old. It gives you ideas on how to talk, play, cuddle, relax and respond to your child at different ages and stages of their development.

Tiny Happy People

BBC Tiny Happy People website offers lots of free simple activities, play ideas and advice to develop your child’s language and communication skills. It includes lots of videos, tips and advice on parenting and how to play and learn with your child.

Little Moments Together

90% of your child's brain growth happens before the age of 5. Right from the start, all those little moments you spend together with your child are building their brain.

The NHS Little Moments Together website gives lots of ideas, easy tips and activities you can do together with your child.

Parenting courses

Every Solihull resident can complete a range of online parenting courses you can complete in your own time for FREE using the access code APPLEJACKS at Solihull Approach Parenting Programmes

There are a range of free courses that can be completed at your own pace, including:

Pregnancy- this online course is for everyone involved with the new baby who wants to find out more about pregnancy, bonding and preparing for the little one’s arrival.

After the Birth- this online course is for everyone around a new baby, packed with advice and support for the early weeks and months with a new baby. 

Understanding Your Child- this online course for all parents, grandparents and carers of children aged 6 months to 19+ years.

In Solihull, we recognise the unique needs and challenges that families may face when caring for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Our dedicated SEND services are designed for families, offering a range of support tailored to the needs of your child. From community networks to family support, we are here to ensure that every child, receives the support they need for a fulfilling and happy start in life.

SEND Local Offer

The Solihull Local Offer  provides information about the services and support for children and young people with disabilities or special educational needs.

Solihull Speech and Language Therapy

For tips and advice on speech and language development in children visit the NHS Solihull Children's Community Therapy page.

Meet other SEND families

Sharing the experience of parenting a baby or child with additional needs with others in the same situation can be hugely helpful in knowing you are not alone. Solihull Family Hubs will have free sessions for families with children with additional needs.

Free online course for parents/carers with children with additional needs

Every Solihull resident can complete a range of online parenting courses you can complete in your own time for FREE using the access code APPLEJACKS at Solihull Approach Parenting Programmes. This includes a course specifically for parents/carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Keeping babies and children safe is our priority and this section has links on preventing injuries, safer sleeping and what to do if you are worried about a child.

Worried about a child or young person?

If you think a child or young person could be in danger, is being hurt or abused or not being looked after it is important to report your concerns. To report a child or young person you think is at risk call 0121 788 4300 (Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 5.20pm, Friday 8.45am to 4.30pm). If you are calling out of working hours (evenings, weekends or bank holidays) please call 0121 605 6060. Visit our safeguarding children and young people page for more advice.

In an emergency always call 999.

Safer sleeping

It is crucial that babies are able to sleep safely and The Lullaby Trust has advice with simple steps for how you can sleep your baby to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) which is commonly known as cot death. It can give you the peace of mind to enjoy this special time.

Their advice is based on strong scientific evidence and should be followed for all sleep periods, not just at night.

If you have any questions about SIDS or safer sleep, please call the information line on 0808 802 6869 (lines open Monday-Friday 10.00am-2.00pm) or visit the Lullaby Trust safer sleeping advice page.

Alcohol and caring for babies

Drinking alcohol whilst caring for babies and children can leave them at risk of serious harm. More information on the the dangers of drinking alcohol whilst caring for children can be found at the NHS ‘Who's In Charge?’ Campaign.

Accidents in childhood

The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) website offers resources and advice on how to keep your child safe from hazards and prevent accidents like suffocation, drowning, choking, falls and burns.

Childhood vaccinations

Vaccines are highly recommended for children from 8 weeks onwards to protect them from infectious diseases that could harm their health. It's important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection, but if you or your child missed a vaccine, contact your GP to catch up. For more information on vaccines visit the NHS vaccinations page.