In Solihull we believe that every child and young person matters, and matters equally. We know that many children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or additional needs may need more support in their life. We have therefore been working with them, their parent carers, and those who support them to write our first Additional Needs Strategy which was launched in January 2022. An Easy Read version is also available.
View the:
- Additional Needs strategy online
- Download Additional Needs Strategy pdf
- Download Additional Needs Strategy Easy Read pdf
- Additional Needs Strategy (ANS) Annual Report 2024
The Additional Needs Strategy underpins all of this strategic work so our aim has been to work with children, young people and parent carers to write this strategy in a different way. A way which is more user friendly for anyone to read and written directly to the children and young people whose lives we are working to improve.
We want them to easily know what they can expect of professionals working with them so they are empowered to challenge us if they need to. We also want them to understand this document and to know what changes they should see being made around them, so they can help us review how effective this has been.
How will progress updates be provided?
We will provide an update on individual aspects through the termly SEND newsletter (sign up here to Stay Connected - under Education) and through an annual report at the end of the year which will be published on this page.
What else is happening to make improvements?
The Additional Needs Strategy will underpin all other work affecting children and young people with SEND and additional needs in Solihull. Our SEND Strategic Activity document explains the strategic work currently underway, and the part each one plays towards improving outcomes.
As part of the delivery of the Additional Needs Strategy we will be publishing a high level delivery plan and engagement plan in the coming months.
Tell us how we are doing – children and young people’s feedback on the strategy
The Additional Needs Strategy sets out how we want children’s and young people’s lives to be like in Solihull.
Please tell us how you think we are doing after you have had a meeting, been to an activity or had support:
Additional Needs survey – regular children and young people’s feedback.
Who is making sure this work happens?
The progress and impact of the Additional Needs Strategy, and the other activity aligned to this will be overseen by two multi-agency Boards:
1. The Joint Additional Needs & Disability Management Board - a strategic level group responsible for overseeing strategic direction and overall impact on children and young people. Co-chaired by the Council’s Director of Children’s Service and the CCG’s Director of Joint Commissioning with senior level representation from:
- the Council’s Education, Children’s Social Care, Adults Social Care, Commissioning and Public Health teams
- the CCG’s Senior Responsible Officer for SEND and Children & Maternity representative
- the school system through Solihull School Strategic Accountability Board (SSSAB), Schools Forum, Solihull Governor’s Association and Special School sector
- Solihull’s Voluntary and Community Sector representative
- Solihull Parent Carer Voice
2. The Joint Additional Needs Delivery Board - an operational subgroup responsible for ensuring the delivery of activity associated with the strategic commitments and operational plans. Co-chaired by the Council’s Head of SEND and the CCG’s Head of Children & Maternity Commissioning with senior management level representation from:
- the Council’s Education, Children’s Social Care, Adults Social Care, Commissioning, Stronger Communities, Public Health and Employment & Skills teams,
- the CCG’s Designated Clinical Officers,
- the school system through Ed SEND,
- Solihull Parent Carer Voice and Our Voices Heard