Where a child or young person has made limited or no progress using universal strategies and reasonable adjustments, further assessment of barriers to learning should take place.
- Aspects of the curriculum will be personalised and adapted, based on the pupil’s learning profile and outcomes of the assessment and planning tasks.
- Higher levels of adaptation and task-mediation/scaffolding will be required and with a higher level of frequency.
- Assistive technology is arranged as a means to increasing independent access to the curriculum and to remove barriers to curriculum access e.g. laptop, scanning pen, screen reader, speech-to text technology.
- Access arrangements are in place for tests and exams (e.g. reader/scanning pen, rest breaks, prompt, scribe etc.) as per current examination board guidance.
- Any planned interventions should be linked to targets within the classroom so that students are supported to transfer knowledge and skills learnt.
- Intervention should be carefully targeted and regularly delivered by a suitably trained adult in school.
- The frequency of delivery will vary according to the needs of the child and the intervention being used, check EEF wording @ overseen by teacher) however it is widely evidenced that progress is more likely to be accelerated and sustained if a ‘little-and-often’ approach is undertaken.
See overviews of current literacy intervention programmes and a review of their effectiveness:
- Projects | EEF (educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk)
- The School Psychology Service - What works for literacy difficulties?
- Rapid Reading & Rapid Plus (Pearson)
- Rapid Writing (Pearson)
- Read, Write Inc. – Fresh Start (Ruth Miskin Training)
- Paired (or partner) Reading approach (Reading Rockets)
- Cued Spelling approach (SEND Supported)
- Toe-by-Toe - A highly structured phonics-based reading manual.
- The Word Wasp - Proven, effective one-to-one manuals for teaching reading and spelling.
- Acceleread / Accelerwrite - A guide to using talking computers to help children learn to read and write.
- IDL Literacy Intervention Software
- Launch the Lifeboat to Read and Spell Scheme (Robinswood)
- Direct Instruction – contact Solihull Education Psychology Service for training.
- Reading Wise - An effective online literacy intervention for primary and secondary schools.
- Direct Phonics / Phonological Awareness Training (PAT) - A research based synthetic phonics programme for those children who struggle with basic literacy.
- Catch-Up Literacy - A structured one-to-one intervention for learners who find reading difficult.
- Teaching Literacy to Learners with Dyslexia: A Multisensory Approach (Kathleen Kelly and Sylvia Philips) - Downloadable resources
- Catch-Up Readers - Decodable, synthetic phonics, reading books with age-appropriate and exciting stories for older, struggling and/or reluctant readers.
- Numicon - SEND resources - Supporting ALL children with learning maths.
- Catch-Up Numeracy - A structured one-to-one intervention for learners who find numeracy difficult.
- The Power of 2 book - Enables anyone to make progress with their maths. The book is a coaching manual which allows anyone to deliver individual support.
- IDL Numeracy - A maths software resource that helps to improve the ability of low-attaining learners in mathematics.
- Dynamo Maths - Support pupils at risk of developmental dyscalculia and pupils performing significantly below their peers in maths.
- Spot on with Numbers - Allows children the opportunity to explore a variety of different representations, enabling them to make links, see connections and develop mathematical reasoning.