Once concerns about a child/young person's SLCN have been identified, more detailed assessment is likely to be needed to identify the specific areas of concern and potential barriers to learning.
It is always important to know a child or young persons’ strengths and interests as well as their difficulties to plan support that is strengths based and builds self-confidence.
Assessment over time is needed to monitor a pupil’s progress and the effectiveness of any interventions that have been put into place. The Team around the Child will include the child, parent carer, school staff and may include external professionals at different stages to provide specialist advice, support and interventions.
In addition to information gained though QFT there are a number of screening tools and checklists, linked to interventions, that may be useful for the class teacher, SLCN Lead and SENDCo. Here are a few that are available:
- Speech and Language UK- screening progression tools and intervention packages
- Language link – screening tools and intervention
- WellComm – Speech and language screening and intervention
- Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI)
Further standardised assessments can be carried out by a Solihull CLD Specialist Teacher (link to be embedded here to CLD GA page), SLCD Specialist Teacher or Speech and Language Therapist as children move through the Graduated Approach and where specialist advice and support may be required.