Following the assessment stage, a plan is put in place to support the child/young person. This will include setting SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). Targets are usually set for 6-8 weeks, when they are reviewed, but this can vary depending on need and context. Formal review with parent carers and the Team around the child is usually termly.
The pupil plan will include how targets will be met through both adaptations and reasonable adjustments within the classroom and school, as well as through additional adults and/or small group/ individual interventions as is identified during the assessment stage.
- Detailed assessment of social communication skills will provide the necessary information to plan a support package which may consist of further adaptations and reasonable adjustments in the classroom to improve access to the curriculum in addition to specific, targeted interventions.
- An individual support plan is needed that is reviewed regularly in line with the SEND Code of Practice [link?] and contains specific outcomes relating to improving social communication skills and includes the additional provision and interventions in place.
- Individual targets relating to social communication are clearly based on appropriate assessment results, are SMART and clearly inform interventions.
- A one page profile or Needs Based Plan (NBP) (Tool 2 in practical support pack from Making Sense of Autism Training) should be used to support communication of needs, and the required response to these, to all relevant staff. Pupil Voice should be central to devising these.
- All intervention needs to be planned and documented, including costs.
- Relevant specialists should be involved in the APDR process as required and their advice included within any plans.
- Use of Primary and Secondary Toolkit from the SISS Autism Team can provide useful ideas and strategies.
- Where a child/young person has a diagnosis of autism schools can request support from their named SISS Autism Team teacher out of their school allocated hours - Targeted Support.
- Where a child is considered to have high needs linked to autism and they have a diagnosis of autism, school can request High Needs Intervention Support through their allocated advisory teacher.
Any strategies and interventions should be informed by the assessment carried out in order to address the specific areas of need and could include the following: