APDR – Plan and do

  • An MSI profile is created to outline strengths and needs in the 3 areas of difficulty encountered by MSI learners- Communication, Gaining Information and Orientation/Mobility’.
  • Possible fixed term Block of Intervention from either the QTMSI or Deaf-Blind Intervener with targets planned to ensure progress within the 3 areas of difficulty encountered by MSI learners. 
  • Blocks of Intervention may include Visual Attention programmes to maintain or further develop functional use of vision.
  • Parents, staff within settings and wider professionals involved with the CYP to understand, through both modelling and the sharing of the MSI profile, the impact of the individual’s Multi-Sensory Impairment.
  • Parents, staff within settings and wider professionals involved with the CYP to understand, through both modelling by the MSI team and the sharing of the MSI Profile, the strategies required to ensure the CYP makes the progress they are capable of. 
  • Inclusive and integrated approaches will be essential to ensure the child or young person is fully engaged in the learning and social life of a setting.
  • Observations and assessments carried out through visits which may include Complex Needs Team (CNT) multi-disciplinary assessments and reviews.