QFT - Teaching Strategies

  • Inclusive integrated approaches will be essential to ensure the pupil is fully engaged in the learning and social life of the setting.
  • Ensure teaching and learning opportunities are suitably differentiated to take account of physical or medical needs- Multi-sensory needs.
  • Provide a tidy, well-organised classroom with clear labelling of resources.
  • Ensure the multi-sensory and physical demands of the curriculum are adjusted, if required, in order to improve access is adapted through : task, outcome, teaching materials.
  • Provide additional support for personal care to the young person as appropriate such as dressing and toileting.
  • Put in place the recommendations from Specialist support services to develop effective curriculum delivery for the young person.
  • Modifications to curriculum access and curriculum content are known and in place.
  • Carefully consider positioning  when talking to the young person.
  • Provide young people with opportunities to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways such as – the use of alternative methods of recording.
  • Give extra processing time.
  • Plan in routine and consistency to support understanding.
  • Provide real life learning opportunities with concrete objects whenever possible.
  • Pre/Post tutoring can help take account of learners processing information at different rates – differentiation.  
  • Break tasks into manageable chunks and build in sensory breaks as applicable to the individual pupil.