A detailed review is crucial to assess the young person’s physical and/or medical needs and the effect they have on learning and access to the curriculum which needs to be considered to ensure that the intervention and support is effective. This could be through observations and assessments in school and the involvement of the Specialist Inclusion Support Service (SISS) and health professionals.
More specialist medical services may be involved and provide assessment and advice, such as hospital and community services.
The first step in keeping a child with medical needs safe, is to complete an individual risk assessment and /or have a health care plan in place, seeking parent and professional guidance as required.
A multi-disciplinary approach may be required so that information, assessments and recommendations are collated and shared to ensure a shared understanding of the young person’s diagnosis and needs. (Including alternative communication support).
Seek advice from SISS Physical Disability team for condition specific training, manual handling, hoist training, and an Individual Environmental Audit (IEA).
Environmental Audit (IEA), in addition to support in devising a pupil’s plan.
Opportunities for parents to meet with key staff to discuss their child’s strengths, needs and concerns should be provided and inform a solution focused action plan.