APDR – Plan and do

  • Management Plan/Pupil Profile from SISS to be considered in all planning and preparations. This will be written in consultation with the young person, parents and relevant medical professionals. The plan needs to be disseminated to all relevant staff, including supply staff.   
  • Manual handling individual risk assessment to be in place for pupils through discussion with SISS Physical Disabilities (PD) Team.  
  • My Support Plan/ Individual Education Plan will be in place and based on assessment information and the pupil’s profile/ management plan. 
  • Interventions that have been advised should be implemented by an adult trained in delivery of the programme, this may include fine & gross motor skills advice and programmes e.g. BEAM/ Smart Moves etc.  and other interventions e.g. self-organisation on a 1-1 or small group basis.
  • Interventions should target skills to be taught and SMART targets set.
  • Intervention may include access to physiotherapy support.


  • Provision of Inclusive PE and extra-curricular activities.
  • Specific strategies (e.g., providing regular rest breaks, use of checklist to support organisation, extra time for processing).
  • Alternative methods of recording (e.g., matching labels to pictures / diagrams / maps, mind-maps, appropriate visual pictorial or software / ICT / apps-linked resources, PowerPoint presentations, making posters, oral presentations).
  • Additional support for personal care needs that is provided when required/requested.
  • Any additional equipment (e.g. pencil grips, raised rulers or modified scissors) that is required. Adapted equipment for curriculum subjects i.e., food technology, music - one handed musical instruments etc. 
  • Any specialist equipment (e.g. raised or sloped desks or wobble cushions) that is required.
  • Any additional ICT needs.
  • Any additional training needs .
  • Consider whether a key worker needs to be identified to act as a point of contact.
  • Liaise with SISS PD team for Manual handling training and refresher training every 2 years. Hoist training annually where required.
  • Where progress is a concern or further advice/ support is required following an APDR cycle a block of intervention support from the PD team can be requested.
  • Procedures in case of a medical emergency need to be specified - Please see the  DFE document for supporting pupils with medical conditions in schools.