- Resources, such as relevant checklists and specific environment audits should be used to inform school and classroom practice.
- Within school, Senior Leadership Team (SLT) should ensure that:
- There is allocated storage areas available for specialist equipment.
- Toilets are accessible and free from clutter.
- Additional support for personal care is available to the young person as appropriate, such as dressing and toileting.
- School trips and extra-curricular activities are carefully planned, with risk assessments completed to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made for individual needs so all pupils can enjoy them.
- Temporary reasonable adjustments are provided to the learning environment, as required, following temporary illness or injury.
- Based on the pupil’s plan, advice from specialists and the views of the child, adapt the classroom so that the physical layout is not a barrier to learning.
- Ensure sensory issues are considered e.g. lighting and acoustics so that they are not a barrier to learning. Consider with senior leaders the following reasonable adjustments:
- Can curtains/blinds be used to control the light entering the room?
- Are artificial lights even and ambient?
- Are furnishings in strong contrast to the surroundings?
- Are areas carpeted where possible?
- Can background noise be reduced?
- Can shiny, reflective surfaces be avoided to minimize glare?
- Ensure the school, and classrooms are free from clutter and furniture e.g. chairs are pushed in when not in use and cupboard doors/ drawers are kept shut.
- Consider alternative locations for play, as well as the playground, for example quieter areas if required.
- Plan for support at social and unstructured situations if required e.g. break/lunch?
- Ensure young people are seated appropriately in order to access the information provided by the teacher and reduce distractions.
- Seating needs to be considered so that the young person’s writing arm is on the outside edge of a shared desk?
- Consider adaptations for writing e.g. Is a writing slope required?
- Check that the young person’s feet are on the floor (or another platform) when seated to maximize stability.
- Plan for potential fatigue factors for some physical activities, for example, linked to PE sessions.
- Provide motor rest breaks within the school day.