QFT - Teaching Strategies

  • Ensure that the pupil’s one page profile includes the pupil’s physical and/or medical conditions, and any treatments the young person has received, and the implications for access and learning.
  • Plan teaching and learning opportunities to include the targets and outcomes that the pupil with physical and/or medical needs are working towards.  
  • Ensure the recommendations from specialist support services are being used to develop effective curriculum delivery for the young person. 
  • Support the young person to be independent in the majority of self-help skills/activities.
  • Ensure teaching and learning opportunities are suitably adapted to take into account physical and/or medical needs.
  • Be familiar with any medical care plans of the young people they teach and know what to do if there is a concern.
  • Adjust the sensory and physical demands of the curriculum where required, in order to improve access differentiated through:  task, outcome and teaching materials as appropriate.   
  • Provide appropriate levels of intellectual challenge and support for all pupils.
  • Ensure teaching resources are age appropriate, inclusive and relevant – consider use of pictures and content that includes diverse groups of children, young people and adults, including those with a physical ability.
  • Use flexible and varied questioning strategies for learners. 
  • Modify your responses to individual children on the basis of need. 
  • Depending on the pupil’s learning profile consider the following:
    • Your positioning when talking to the young person (e.g.  facing the young person).  
    • Do you need to gain the attention of the young person before speaking?
    • Are shorter, rather than longer sentences required?   
    • Is more time to complete tasks required and incorporated into curriculum planning?  
    • Are learning resources accessible e.g. font size and type?
    • Does teaching need to be adapted and delivered through distributed practice (little and often) and interleaved learning (mixing old and new learning)?  
  • Provide opportunities to demonstrate learning in a variety of ways, such as the use of alternative methods of recording and the use of appropriate ICT e.g. Clicker; Dragon Dictate etc.
  • Provide opportunities for flexible groupings and pairings to support social inclusion and independence.
  • Work as part of a team with any teaching assistants you have in the classroom. 
  • Share planning with support staff allowing sufficient time for support staff to prepare any resources in advance.   
  • Discuss any physical and medical concerns with the SENCo and/or the senior leadership team when required. 
  • If there are any changes in physical and/or medical needs gain further advice when appropriate.