Where a child or young person has a diagnosed visual Impairment (NATSIP scores 5-29) they will then be identified as having a special educational need. Children and young people may have a mild loss, moderate loss or they may be registered with a Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI) as sight impaired. Conditions may include having restricted fields of vision, fluctuating vision e.g. nystagmus or a deteriorating / degenerative condition.
Support may be provided through SEN Support and progress will be monitored through cycles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR). Pupils may also have other needs in addition to those linked to their visual impairment and this process will enable early identification of any additional needs.
A pupil’s difficulties may include:
- Accessing the environment.
- Tracking and scanning.
- Depth perception.
- Spatial awareness.
- Speed of work difficulties.
- Difficulty in accessing standard text and pictorial information.
- Anxieties related to challenges.
- Relying on peers for visual cues.
- Withdrawal.
- Frustrations related to accepting visual loss.