What we have done so far:

  • People from education, care and health services meet every month in our Joint Additional Needs Management and Delivery Boards. We include parent carers, voluntary groups and other people in these meetings so we can all work together to make your life better - you can find out who is involved online;
  • We have talked to people to find out what we are doing well and what we need to change so we can offer you the best support. Lots of things are happening and you can find out more online.

What else you want us to do:

  • Make sure everyone in Solihull thinks about how their work can help make things better for you. This includes sharing information and finding ways to check we are making things better;
  • Help people know what support is available for you in Solihull. We will make sure this is easy to find and get support. That you can move easily between services and get advice on what is possible as you get older;
  • Look for ways that staff supporting you work better together. So they include other people who can help and learn from each other. We will set out how we want those staff to behave and what they need to know. For example, staff will work together to improve what is written in your Education, Health & Care Plans (EHCPs) if you have one.