What we have done so far:

  • Solihull Council, Birmingham and Solihull CCG and Solihull Parent Carer Voice have agreed to work together as equals. Helping us make a difference to your life and to your family
  • Started a children and young people’s group called Our Voice’s Heard (through Solihull Parent Carer Voice) so your views can help us make changes - and see what is, and isn’t, working
  • Produced a co-production newsletter to share what we are doing and to help families understand how they can get involved

What else you want us to do:

  • We will make sure that all the work we do, the plans we make and the services we review includes you and your parent carers from the start;
  • We will write an Engagement Plan so that everyone knows what we will be doing and when. This is so you, and your parent carers, can be involved as much, or as little, as you want to. Helping us plan what we need to do and seeing if this has made a difference. We will find different ways to listen to the voices of all children and young people so we can hear what you have to say;
  • We will make sure there are chances for you to be involved in the way you want to be. About the things that matter to you and at a time and place that works for you.