Solihull Careers Hub collaborate with local schools and colleges to help build careers education programmes through communities of practice, our network of enterprise advisers and by offering specialist advice, support, and resources.
We also work with schools and employers to provide information and engagement opportunities aiming to prepare young people to make their next best steps towards their desired futures.
We bring together 24 secondary schools and colleges across the Borough, including 8 Special Educational Needs providers and Alternative Provision and Pupil Referral Units.
Our SEND Focus
1 in 50 people in the UK have unique learning challenges and disabilities.(1) Only 5.1% of these individuals are in paid employment. (2) In Solihull, there are currently close to two thousand young people with SEND - 70% of which are in mainstream schools. (3)
A key focus for our hub is to change the trajectory of outcomes for young people with SEND, so they can confidently offer their talents in pursuit of their highest aspirations, within a mainstream economy that values and enables their contribution. We are working collaboratively with key stakeholders and partners in the community to implement strategies that will impact the futures of young people with SEND in meaningful ways. This includes actively supporting employers to learn about SEND in the workplace and equipping them to recruit and support these young people as equal members of their workforce.
Ways you can get involved
Parents and carers are a primary influence when it comes to supporting young people in making their next best steps towards their desired futures. Your support and involvement are invaluable and desired. Please endeavour to get involved in any of the following ways.
- Please visit our News and Resources page to stay up to date with careers information for your young learners.
- If you haven’t done so already, join the Solihull SEND Parent Carer Voice.
- Encourage your young learners to join Children and Young People’s Voice.
- During Parents evenings, ask teachers how they link subjects to careers. Ask about your young learners’ skills and talents and the diverse opportunities these could link to.
- Respond to invitations from the schools’ Careers Leader and your Careers Hub to participate in careers activities.
- If you don’t know much about your schools’ careers programme, have a look on the schools’ website.
- Complete any feedback requested. A high-quality careers programme takes time to nurture and develop. We need your input to make improvements.
- Become a volunteer!
- If you have the time, ask your Careers Leader if you can give an hour
- Ask your school/college Careers Leader about the opportunity to become a parent Governor linked to careers
- Become an enterprise advisor
- Get your employer involved. If they’re keen, introduce them to the hub and your school/college to find out ways they can get involved. How do I do this? Email lifeready@solihull.gov.uk.
Follow us on twitter or contact the Careers Leader at the school to learn more.