Preventing terrorism

The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent also supports the rehabilitation of people already involved in terrorism.

Summer campaign digital toolkit

This summer will see millions of people across the UK enjoying themselves at major events such as music festivals, sporting events, bank holidays and Pride.

We are encouraging the public to trust their instincts and report anything that doesn’t feel right to security or the police

You can help support the campaign by using the digital toolkit at Protect UK.

An introduction to Prevent

Help and advice

Training in Prevent

You can access Prevent duty training at GOV.UK.

This training is for people working in sectors covered by the Prevent duty, such as: 

  • education
  • health
  • local authorities
  • police
  • criminal justice agencies (prisons, probation, youth justice)

ACT Early

You can contact Counter Terrorism Policing through ACT (Action Counters Terrorism).

If you've seen or heard something that doesn't feel right, report it. 

West Midlands Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures Manual

For more information, including what to do if you are concerned that a child or adult is at risk of radicalisation please visit: Prevent