Solihull Youth Justice Service

Solihull Youth Justice Service (SYJS) is a multi-agency service which consists of the Local Authority, West Midlands Police, Probation and Health.

Solihull YJS is a specialist service based within the Childrens, Young People and Families department of Solihull Council. The team reflects the make-up of these statutory partners and members come from a diverse range of disciplines. The primary aim of the service is to prevent and reduce youth crime across Solihull, delivered through the following objectives:

  • preventing and reducing offending
  • reducing re-offending
  • increasing victim and public confidence
  • ensuring the safe and effective use of custody

SYJS works in collaboration with partners to contribute to positive outcomes for young people. This includes ensuring children and young people are safe and free from harm, as children and young people entering the criminal justice system can lead complex lives, drawing upon numerous services.

The safety and well-being of young people is integral to the assessment, planning and delivery of interventions to safeguard public protection and community safety.

Contact us

You can contact Solihull YJS by:

You can also write to:

Elmwood Place
37 Burtons Way
Smiths Wood
B36 0UG