Deaf blind or deafblindness

Deafblindness is a condition which sees sight loss and hearing loss affecting a person’s life together.

It is important to understand that:

  • deafblindness does not mean a deaf person who cannot see
  • deafblindness does not mean a blind person who cannot hear
  • deafblindness can be present from birth (known as congenital)
  • deafblindness can develop later in life

BID Services

BID Services is a charity working in Solihull with people with sensory impairments. It is commissioned by Solihull Council to help people that are deaf and hard of hearing, including deafened people living with additional needs such as physical disabilities,visual impairments and mental health conditions.

BID Services also provides a range of other support services. These can help you live independently, promote your right to make your own decisions and help you to make your own choices with the right support. Services offered to deaf, deafened and hard of hearing adults in Solihull include:

  • assistive equipment for use in the home (following an assessment)
  • home visits if service users unable to travel due to mobility issues

Contact BID Services

BID Services provide drop-in sessions at our Community Advice Hubs

They are available:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at the Solihull Community Advice Hub
  • Thursdays at the Chelmsley Wood Community Advice Hub

You can also choose to:

  • go to the BID Services Solihull website
  • email BID at
  • call BID Services Solihull on voice call phone number 0121 387 5359
  • get in touch with BID Services Solihull textphone and minicom number 0121 246 6101
  • for text/WhatsApp support contact 07718 042 675 

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

The local RNIB team provides services in the local area.

For support:

Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK is a charity supporting deafblind people. It also provides information and advice to those experiencing progressive sight and hearing loss.


Sense is a charity which also provides advice, information and support for:

  • deafblind people
  • carers of deafblind people
  • professionals