Learning disabilities

A learning disability affects the way a person learns new things throughout their life. A learning disability is different for everyone. No two people are the same.

A person with a learning disability might have some difficulty:

  • understanding complicated information
  • learning some skills
  • looking after themselves or living alone

Some learning disabilities are diagnosed at birth. However, some people get a diagnosis later in their lives. 

You can read more about diagnosis on the NHS website.

Support for people with a learning disability in Solihull

Lots of people who have a learning disability can work, have relationships, live independently and get qualifications.  Other people might need more support throughout their life.

If you think your child is learning to do things later than other children because they may have a learning disability, speak to your doctor (GP) or health visitor.  

The Solihull local offer has information about services and support for children and young people with disabilities or special educational needs.

Some adults with a learning disability also have care and support needs.  There is more information on this page about support from the Council’s adult social care team. 

These organisations offer support to everyone in Solihull with a learning disability.  

  • Community Advice Hubs bring together local organisations in Solihull to provide you with information, advice and support.
  • Solihull Action through Advocacy is an independent charity. They help people with learning disabilities and/or autism to speak up for themselves, have more control over their lives and make changes they want.
  • Sandant Care can help with housing related support.  For example they can help you to understand your responsibilities as a tenant or support you to manage your household bills. 
  • Carers Trust Solihull supports unpaid carers of all ages in Solihull. They offer advice, information, training, emotional and practical support.

Support for adults with a learning disability who also have care and support needs

If you are an adult with a learning disability and care and support needs, the Council’s adult social care team will work with you to find out what support you need. This is called a needs assessment. Find out how to get a needs assessment in Solihull.

Once we have completed your assessment, we will explain to you if you are eligible for support. If you are eligible, we will work with you to develop a care and support plan. This will say what care and support you need.  

There are different types of support available depending on your needs. This may include preparing for adulthood, care at home, supported living, day opportunities or supported employment. The Council works with local organisations who can offer this support or you can get a direct payment and use that to meet a range of care and support needs.  

If you care for an adult with a learning disability who has care and support needs, the plan will show what support you need to care for them. This could include respite care.

If adapting your home would help you live independently, or care for someone with a learning disability, a Disabled Facilities Grant may be available. 

Learning Disability Partnership Board 

Our Learning Disability Partnership Board includes people with learning disabilities and carers who use their personal experience and expertise to influence topics including employment, independent living, health and wellbeing.

To find out more about the board, email getinvolved@solihull.gov.uk.

Our vision for people with learning difficulties and disabilities

We want people with learning difficulties and disabilities in Solihull and Birmingham to be able to access the right support at the right time, to enable you to live a good and fulfilling life as part of our diverse local communities. 

Read our vision for people with learning difficulties and learning disabilities.