If you would like to help people in your community, there are lots of ways to help with donations and by volunteering.
Support your local foodbanks
Foodbanks need donations of food, toiletries and nappies and you can donate in the north or south of Solihull, or online. If you would like to donate items to local foodbanks you can do this via:
- Around Again Social Supermarket, 100 Chapelhouse Road, Fordbridge - but please email - phyllisb@colebridge.org first to arrange a time to drop off
- North Solihull Sports Centre, run by Everyone Active on the Council’s behalf, is supporting Kingfisher Foodbank
sin North Solihull. You will find a donation trolley at reception, during the leisure centre’s opening hours. - Online with Renewal Solihull
Foodbanks also need volunteers to help pack and organise food parcels, as well as to deliver them to collection points and people’s homes. If you are interested in volunteering then please contact the Council’s Community Development Team via cdt@solihull.gov.uk. The team will connect you with the most up to date opportunities to support the local foodbank network. You can also contact them if you’re interested in setting up a “food donation station” in your office, school and community.
Creating a Warm Welcome Space
If you are thinking about providing a warm space in your community there are a number of helpful sites to help you shape your offer. The important thing is that they should be warm, welcoming and safe places where people can go.
- register your space with Warm Welcome
- Warm Hubs Network - WRCC (wrccrural.org.uk
- join the Places of Welcome network
A range of support is available for all activities, groups and organisations within the borough who are considering setting a warm welcome offer. This includes the Council’s Community Development Team (CDT) and the Warwickshire and Solihull Community and Voluntary Action (CAVA).
Warwickshire and Solihull Community and Voluntary Action (CAVA) can match volunteers and volunteering opportunities in the borough. So if you'd like to find local volunteers to help your cause or become a volunteer yourself, visit their dedicated volunteering page . If you have any questions regarding volunteering, contact Donna Norford donna.norford@wcava.org.uk or call 07708474076.
To keep updated on CAVA’s latest news and volunteering opportunities, please subscribe to CAVA’s free newsletter. CAVA also share volunteering opportunities on their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media.