Jobseekers case studies

We support residents to gain the skills and training to make the most of opportunities in the borough. Provide your contact details to the Employment and Skills Team and a member of our team will get in touch with you.

After achieving a first-class degree, Luke had applied for graduate jobs. He was frustrated with the lack of responses from the employers. He felt that Autism had been a barrier to getting an interview.

Luke sought our support early this year. We felt that he had a lot of potential and we were impressed by his commitment and enthusiasm for starting a career in admin. We helped him update his CV with a more positive tone. We also gave him advice for online job applications where CVs are not accepted. Luke also enhanced his skills for interviews with our advice for preparation.

To enhance Luke’s chances of getting a job, we introduced him to recruitment agencies specialising in temporary jobs in various fields including admin through our connections. This led to Luke securing his first job interview after leaving university.

Within weeks, Luke secured a temporary admin role. He was over the moon and sent us this message:

“I sought out the Employment and Skills Team as I had been struggling for a while to find employment after graduation. Syed was very helpful in developing my CV, application, and interview skills. In addition, he suggested jobs that I could apply for and shared contacts that would help with my job hunt. Once he connected me personally to a recruitment agency, I was well equipped to land a role within weeks – surprisingly at my former university! This would not have been possible without the support of Syed throughout.”

The employer has been very impressed by Luke’s performance and he has now been offered a long-term contract role with them. It has been a pleasure for us to be part of Luke’s journey of finding a role that he enjoys.

Sometimes, you may just need a little bit of support and connection to land your dream job.

If you are looking for employment support, please contact our team with 0121 704 6869 or


Young people with additional needs are gaining work experience across the council through Supported Internships. This structured programme aims to equip young people aged 16-24 with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP) with the skills they need to secure paid work through learning in the workplace and classroom-based training.  

Nathan is one of the interns who have been gaining work experience at a storage unit with the adult social care directorate. A dedicated skills coach from Mencap has been supporting Nathan and the team throughout the process. The placement has given him valuable work experience that includes building equipment for residents who need it to make their day-to-day lives easier.  

Nathan said: “Unlike my previous work experience, this placement really feels like a proper job. I was quite shy at first, but I have become more confident as the team have been very supportive. They let me get on with things and if I struggle with something, I know that I can always ask them for help. It feels really nice to have their trust and support.” 

Andy Cartwright and Will Konadu work closely with the interns. Andy shared: “We get really busy sometimes, so it is great having them as extra support. It is great to see that they are coming out of their shells and learning valuable skills for their future careers.” 

Nathan added: “I feel more ready and confident for work now. This placement will make my CV more impressive, which will hopefully help me find a similar job in the future.” 

Gary Devlin, Solihull Council’s Community Equipment Services Manager, offered placements to the interns. He said: “This programme has helped us to support more residents. As the inventory builds up, the interns have been a great help for us. I remember one day when both Andy and Will weren’t around, the interns ran the place just like any other day. It proves how their skills have developed.” 

After completing the programme, Nathan continued to get our support for job search. He recently shared some exciting news with us - he has got his first paid job offer!

Supported internships commence every September. If you would like to refer a young person who might be interested in becoming a supported intern, please contact John O’Sullivan with


Vicki is celebrating securing her first permanent job role. She has been providing admin support at the Council since September 2023. The role was made possible thanks to the Council’s initiative of supporting adults with learning disabilities into paid employment, which is also available for local employers.

Although she had volunteered before, this is Vicki’s first paid job. She shared: “I love my job! I really enjoy working with the team and making friends here. Having this job is like my dreams have come true. It feels good to be more independent. I hope my mum is proud of me.”

This role has enabled Vicki to develop skills for work, as well as skills for personal life. She makes day to day choices and experience having control of her life.

Michele Nolan, Supported Living Lead at Social Life Opportunities (SOLO), has been supporting Vicki. She shared: “Vicki has felt more included and valued in the community. She has become a huge role-model in our supported living and day centres. Vicki has inspired others and proved that anything is possible by seizing an opportunity and getting the right support. Her confidence has grown. This has impacted on her self-esteem and wellbeing. She is planning a trip to the theatre next year, with her own salary!”

Vicki’s manager is Richard Tapson, Governance Lead for Economic & Infrastructure Directorate. When the vacancy of admin assistant came up, Richard discussed with the Director who both felt that it would be a great opportunity to recruit inclusively, as this could support someone into work and promote workplace inclusion.

Richard shared, “Vicki has received wraparound support including IT training, independent travelling and personal organisation. All these helped and she settled in quickly. She completes her tasks efficiently and brings joy to the team.”

Sue Popplewell, Leadership Support Officer, expanded her job scope by becoming Vicki’s mentor. Sue added, “Vicki always brightens up the office with her smile. It is great to see her confidence and independence grow as she develops her skills.”

If you are an employer and would like to get support for inclusive recruitment, please contact our team on 0121 704 6869 or

photo of Reece with colleagues

Reece had been unemployed before Covid. Although he was very motivated to find work, he struggled with interviews. Reece has a learning disability and his confidence had dropped significantly after some negative experiences at interviews.

Our team first met Reece in May 2022. It was evident that he would be fit for a non-clerical role with a supportive and patient employer. We identified that Arden Hotel would be a potential employer as they had already employed other residents with learning disabilities through us. They had been impressed with their performance.

We checked with Arden Hotel for vacancies available and introduced Reece. We accompanied him to a practical work trial after which he was immediately offered full time employment. He has quickly become a valued member of the team.

Our Supported Employer Engagement Officer Sarah Wilson commented: “It is always an absolute pleasure to work with supportive employers like Arden Hotel. It has led to employment for several residents. For some, finding employment has been life changing. They have found not only a supportive employer, but also a positive and nurturing work environment. It has been an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and achieve personal goals. There is no doubt that Arden Hotel has been instrumental in creating opportunities for our residents.”

Reece shared that he was proud to work for Arden Hotel. He felt happier in work than before. This opportunity has positive impacts on his life that enables him to make new friends and be able to help others. He was happy with his new-found financial independence and confidence.

Arden Hotel’s Manager Roy Nash shared: “The reason I fell in love with hospitality is that you have so many individuals with different stories and journeys to tell. You don’t need a degree or qualification to succeed. You just need to be passionate about the work that you do and working as part of a team. It’s great to see Reece achieving both, excelling in his work and being a key part of the team. We pride ourselves in providing opportunities for individuals to shine and show their talents. We ensure our training reflects each individual’s learning style. Sarah and the team at Solihull Council are fantastic support in helping us and our team members in accomplishing just that.”

Reece has worked at Arden Hotel since May 2022. He has been recognised in a Head of Departments’ meeting for his work ethic and willingness to help other departments. We continue to check with him and offer in-work support including free training to help him further develop his skills.

If you are out of work and looking for employment support, please contact our team with 0121 704 6869 or

If you are an employer and would like to get support for hiring more inclusively, you can also reach our team on 0121 704 6869 or


Louise is a local resident who was referred to our Employment and Skills Team in December 2022 by our partner.

Louise had only recently finished her last job and was looking for roles in Front of House as this was the area she was most experienced in. To get her better prepared for work again, Louise enrolled a 12-week course with Prince’s Trust which she completed a week of work experience at our training centre in Chelmsley Wood in March 2023.

Louise impressed our team with her attitude, willingness to help and professionalism during the week. We felt that she was ready for her next job, so we looked into our database of local employers with suitable roles. We found that one of the local employers we have worked with, Arden Hotel had a vacancy for Front of House. We introduced Louise to the Hotel Manager and she was invited to the hotel the next day for a work trial.

With her professionalism, she was offered a full time role as soon as she completed the work trial. Louise joined the team in March 2023 and settled into her role very quickly.

When asked about how she felt being back in full time employment, Louise commented:  “I am happy to have a routine back and working away from my local area. With my role, I get to meet people from all walks of life including those from overseas and staying at the hotel. I really enjoy having a purpose back. The hotel staff have welcomed and supported me since the first day that we worked together. Life is definitely better now both financially and emotionally. I really enjoy working here.”

Roy Nash, Hotel Manager commented: “It is a pleasure to see how well Louise is currently doing in the reception team. Louise has taken the role like a duck to water. I look forward to supporting Louise with her journey in hospitality.”

Our support did not just stop after she landed the role. We check in with her and her employer regularly and recommend free training opportunities that would be great for her personal development. We are so proud to learn that she has just been awarded “Employee of the Season” at Arden Hotel. It is our pleasure to support Louise to achieve her potential with a role that she clearly loves. We look forward to many more achievements to come!

If you are out of work and looking for employment support, please contact our team with 0121 704 6869 or


Jakub was referred to our Employment and Skills Team in August 2023 because he wanted to find full-time work.

During our first meeting, Jakub shared with us his previous work experience and his career aspirations. His adviser established that he enjoyed working in a team. To better Jakub’s chances of securing a full-time job, we recommended various training opportunities, including our Digital Hub and employability training sessions.

Jakub was prepared to consider a variety of roles within different industry sectors.  We worked with him to prepare a CV and searched for suitable local job vacancies.

Jakub was keen to apply for the roles we had informed him about.   He was invited for an interview with Veolia and we helped him to prepare for the interview.  

Despite stiff competition, Jakub was offered a role with the street cleaning team at Veolia. He was so happy that he sent us a message to thank us. “Just wanted to say thank you for helping me get the job. My team are very welcoming and supportive!” He was grateful that he could find work locally and contribute to his community.

Jakub’s supervisor, Lewis shared: “Jakub has settled into life at Veolia very well. He has shown an outstanding work ethic and understanding of his role. He works brilliantly in a team and has an incredible enthusiasm towards learning and accepting new challenges. We look forward to seeing his progression at Veolia.”

We are so proud of what Jakub has achieved and know that he has become a valuable team member for Veolia.

If you are out of work and looking for employment support, please contact us with  0121 704 6869 or email

Jakub’s story shows how with our support, employers can connect with the local community to fulfil their recruitment needs.  If you are a local employer who would like to learn about the recruitment support on offer, please email our Employer Engagement Team


After completing his Supported Internship, Salmaan was interested in getting more experience in the workplace while looking for long-term employment.

With a system migration project underway, our Employment and Skills Team needed extra help for the administrative work. This would be a good opportunity for Salmaan to get more practical work experience and solidify the new skills he had learnt from the internship. To help him with this transition, we assigned a job coach to assess his needs and whether adjustments would be needed. The team only had to ensure that the office building is accessible and that a mentor would be in for the Salmaan’s working day.

Salmaan joined the team in April for work experience. He enjoyed his work and conversation with his teammates. He found everyone helpful and supportive. He shared: “Getting to the office is already an achievement for me, and becoming more independent at work is another achievement that I had never even imagined!”

His manager recalled that Salmaan was quite shy at first but came out of his shell gradually. He shared: “Making adjustments for team members with additional needs is just about learning and adapting. Salmaan always brightens up the office with a big smile on his face. He is a loyal and valued member of our team. The team get to develop people and our team spirit has become stronger. It is a win-win for everyone!”

Salmaan has secured a paid role within the Council in February 2024.

If you are out of work and would like to learn about the support we can offer, please contact us on  0121 704 6869 or

If you are an employer and would like to get support for hiring more inclusively, you can also reach our team on 0121 704 6869 or


Joshua was referred by our partner to get advice and support for work from our team earlier this year. He had just completed a degree in Business Psychology and was not sure how and where he should start his job search. He wanted to use his skills and find a progression route to a successful career. He found his confidence often hampered by anxiety, which made job applications and interviews difficult.

We had regular one to one sessions with Joshua where we worked together to improve his CV and interviewing skills. He showed tremendous progress every session and became more relaxed with our mock interviews by taking time to process the information and answering effectively. To help boost his confidence and gain practical experience, he volunteered for admin roles.

Joshua has good IT skills. To help him get more all-rounded skills, he signed up for our Digital Hub where he attended weekly IT workshops. These sessions have helped boost his confidence and getting into a routine which will help his transition into work.

Our team introduced Joshua to employers hiring admin roles, including the Dodd group. Joshua was invited to attend an interview for the role of Administration Apprentice. This role would be a perfect starting point for him career path in admin and Joshua was excited.

Although he was nervous at the interview, he had got the skills from our training and had done his research well. The Dodd group were so impressed with his skills and preparation for the interview that they offered him the role. Joshua has settled into his role and the team are pleased with his progress.

Well done, Joshua!

If you are out of work and would like to learn about the support we can offer, please contact us on  0121 704 6869 or