Check-in to Malvern Park’s Air Bee-n-bee!


A flower bed named ‘Air Bee-n-Bee’ designed by students at Newlands Bishop farm is on display in Malvern Park, Solihull.

The project arranged by Newlands Bishop Farm in collaboration with Solihull Council, Love Solihull’s team, shows a garden display encouraging insects to visit, creating a green habitat for the local wildlife.

The plants were provided by Family Care Trust, a charity that supports adults with additional needs and learning disabilities.

Central to the design is a decorative beehive, commissioned by the farm’s woodwork team, which highlights the bee yard located within Malvern Park. This beehive, along with a honeycomb stepping stone path leading up to it, symbolises the bees' honey-making process. The honeycomb pattern also collects water, providing a safe resting and drinking spot for insects.

A unique aspect of the display is the incorporation of fallen tree pieces, which play a crucial role in creating natural habitats essential for the survival of bees and insects. These elements offer vital nesting sites and food sources, further supporting the ecosystem.

Visitors are welcome to visit the flower project which is located to the right entrance of Malvern Park in Solihull town centre and will be on display until October 2024.

Councillor Ken Hawkins, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment & Infrastructure, said:   

“It is wonderful to see this fantastic flower bed in our Malvern Park. It brings lots of colour and natural beauty to our borough.  You can see the dedication and care that the students and staff put into making the garden look so impressive. The skills needed and time taken has led to an eye-catching display which residents are lucky to see.

“Well done to Newlands Bishop Farm’s students, I look forward to seeing the new insects that the Air Bee-n-Bee may attract!”

Katie Hughes from Family Care Trust said:

“The students collaborated closely to design a garden that features bee and insect-friendly plants with open single blooms, maximising pollination opportunities. The varieties selected include English Lavender, Osteospermum, Cosmos, and Xerochrysum. As these plants mature, they will not only provide excellent food sources for bees and insects but also offer shelter and resting spots. This will make an excellent addition to building a green habitat in Solihull"

Love Solihull, the council’s environmental campaign, is looking for sponsors for green initiatives, including the carpet bed next year. To find out more, please contact