Mayor's Musings - September 2024


Clickety Click 66, a bingo pick! Mayor's Musings that do the trick!

Inspired by my first time playing bingo, I have decided to write this month's edition of Mayor's Musings in rhyme - have a read and who knows, you may even be inspired to pen a poem for yourself!

Another busy month has come and gone,
With laughter and stories, our spirits drawn.
To share the joy of our community’s time,
I’ve penned these musings, each one in rhyme.

The Shirley Sea Cadets paid a visit one day,
To the mayoral parlour, brightening the way.
Next came the Acorns Trust, sharing their mission,
Helping those in need with heartfelt ambition.

Then rolled in the Menopause Van, wheels so neat,
Raising awareness, making the message complete.
It’s a natural phase that should be embraced,
Let’s share our stories, so no one feels misplaced!

At the WMP’s Black and Southeast Asian Culture Day,
The police brought the vibes in a colourful display.
Tales of resilience and strength that prevail,
Inspiring us all with their heartfelt detail.

Next was the Heritage Weekend, what pure delight,
I met the Knights Templar, history in sight.
At Temple Balsall, where they guard treasures bold,
I joined in the Morris dancing, with stories untold.
In heels I pranced, like a Maypole queen,
With dancers remarking on my flashy routine!

Solihull twinned with Main-Taunus-Kreis,
We welcomed our friends with tea and cake—oh, how nice!
Building bonds stronger, our futures look bright,
Embracing our differences, old friendships renewed.
With joy in our hearts, we celebrated the day,
In Solihull’s warmth, we found our way!

Then came a night with the Soroptimists so bright,
With warmth and friendship, they gathered around,
Together we made peace doves and connected them too,
Sharing our stories, as friendships just grew.

Surrounded by mayors, what a joy it was to see!
The Mayor of Coventry invited us for cream tea.
As we sipped our brew, I thought of Godiva’s brave ride,
A true rebel in spirit, with courage as her guide.

Now onto Bingo, what a lively scene,
Invited by Alcester’s Mayor—what a dream!
“Clickety click 66” and “two little ducks,”
It was my first time playing; I thought I'd try my luck!

With “dancing queen” and “59—Brighton Line,”
The thrill of Bingo is simply divine!
With every call, my heart danced with cheer,
I can't wait for the next game—oh, that’s crystal clear!

The Solihull Chamber Awards dazzled with delight,
Each nominee shone brilliantly, a true highlight.
I honoured ‘Visit Knowle’ for their hard work and grit,
All deserving winners, each one truly fit!

I learned CPR with the young St. John team,
And asked what to do if I can’t intervene!
They taught me the Heimlich, and slapping the back,
But being so short, I might lose my track!

With red and green and drums that go thrum,
As Mayor, I led the grand show—oh, what fun!
The Chinese Dragon danced, a magnificent sight,
Through Touchwood it flowed, ‘neath the bright, festive light.
I just hoped it wouldn’t trip and give me a fright!

At the Lunar Society Dinner, our thoughts took to flight,
A vibrant debate unfolded, sparking delight.
So here’s to discussions that make our hearts soar,
To sharing our passions and exploring much more.   

For laughter and wisdom, like treasures, are made,
In every exchange, we find common ground laid.
In the art of debate, true insight is found,
As we toast to the joy of our minds unbound!

In Solihull, as mayor, I stand with great pride,
Championing businesses, helping them thrive side by side.
From local shops to startups, each plays a part,
Fuelling our economy with passion and heart.

With schools at the forefront, we tackle the plight,
Supporting our children to reach new heights.
Embracing diversity, we foster our kin,
Tackling inequality, letting all voices win.

Together we rise, united and strong,
Creating a future where everyone belongs.
As we look to next month, with musings in tow,
In Solihull’s bright future, we’ll continue to grow!


With gratitude and anticipation,

Mayor of Solihull