Solihull residents can now recycle plastic bags and wrapping along with their usual recycling at the kerbside.
Everything that’s ‘soft plastic’ - from plastic bags, foil lined coffee bags and biscuit and sweet wrappers, to plastic film, bubble wrap, food wrapping and fruit and vegetable net bags - can now all be placed in the mixed recycling bin for fortnightly collection.
Solihull’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Infrastructure, Cllr Ken Hawkins, said: “Thanks to the state-of-the-art recycling facility in Coventry we were able to introduce mixed recycling a little over a year ago, dispensing with the need to separate out glass bottles and jars. To now be at the stage where residents can add plastic wrappings for recycling too is fantastic. Two years ahead of the government’s target!
“Plastic bags and wrapping represent about 20% of all plastic packaging but until now people have only been able to recycle them at supermarket collection points. Offering residents an easy way of recycling packaging means we can all recycle easily in a hassle-free way. Just make sure your crisp bags and wrappers are empty and clean before recycling, just as you would with empty tins and bottles.”
For full details please visit the council’s waste and recycling pages here - Rubbish and recycling