Residents asked for views on Solihull’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme


Each year the Council must decide whether to change the Council Tax Reduction scheme for working age applicants in the borough.

Council Tax Reduction is a discount that helps people on low incomes pay their Council Tax bill. The level of discount is based on the income of the household. 
From 1 April 2025, the Council intends to replace the existing means tested scheme (which is largely based on the previous Council Tax Benefit rules) with a simplified ‘banded’ scheme.  

The Council is proposing a scheme that is easier to understand and more supportive for the people most in need, banded by income. 

The changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme will affect working age households within Solihull, who will receive Council Tax Reduction from 1 April 2025. Pension age households will not see any change as the scheme to support this group is set out by Central Government.

When proposing changes to the scheme, the Council must consult on those changes. Residents can provide their views on the changes the Council is proposing by completing the following survey.

The consultation will be open for 8 weeks, from Monday 15 July 2024 to 5pm on Friday 6 September 2024.

Feedback from the consultation will help the Council to determine the next steps and make a final decision about next year’s scheme.

Should anyone have any questions, need support to complete the survey or require a different format, they should please contact Solihull Connect on 0121 704 8200.