Saddle up for Cycle September


Solihull residents and businesses are being encouraged to get on their bikes throughout September and be in with the chance of winning fantastic prizes.

Solihull Council joined forces with cycling platform Love to Ride earlier in the year to promote the benefits of cycling across the borough.

The scheme targets new, occasional and experienced riders and provides a platform for people to track rides, get stats and monitor progress.

More than 200 people and 22 businesses signed up for the Bike Month Challenge in May to help kick-start the new partnership, cycling more than 26,000 miles and saving 1 tonne of CO2 – the equivalent carbon capture of 50 trees in a year.

Now it is hoped even more people will join the initiative and take part in Cycle September for fun and be in with the chance of winning prizes of up to £2,000 by competing in local and national leaderboards.

Cllr Ken Hawkins, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Infrastructure, said:

"Embracing active travel, particularly riding a bike, is a great way to boost your physical and mental health and enjoy the range of high-quality cycling routes the borough has to offer, whether you’re cycling for leisure, commuting to work, or getting from A to 

“It was therefore fantastic to see so many take part in the Bike Month Challenge and we hope to see even more people and businesses get on their bikes for Cycle September.”

Cllr Andy Mackiewicz, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Planning, said:

“Cycling provides a great opportunity to ditch the car and save on fuel costs, whilst helping to protect the environment, improve air quality, and tackle climate change by reducing your carbon emissions

“Transport is the biggest single source of emissions in Solihull at 41 per cent, which makes it important for us all to reflect on our journey patterns and travel more sustainably.” 

Thomas Stokell, CEO of Love to Ride, said:

“At a time when environmental issues, wellness, and money-saving are an important factor for many, there has never been a better time to ride a bike.

“We aim to create positive change through our cycling programs and to promote healthier, happier people, places and businesses.”

The Solihull scheme is funded by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs. 

For more information and to sign up to the challenge and download the Love to Ride app, visit