Managing your direct payments

This page has information for people who already receive direct payments from Solihull Council and want support to manage the payments.

Prepaid card for direct payments

You can get a prepaid card to use for your direct payment.

A prepaid card makes it easier to manage your payments as you:

  • cannot spend more money than you have
  • do not need a separate bank account
  • can check how much is in your account online or over the phone

If you are a carer or manage direct payments for someone else, you can also ask us for a prepaid card.

To request your card:

Help managing your direct payments

If you need help managing your direct payments, you can ask someone you trust to manage your account.

This could be:

  • member of your family
  • close friend
  • Adult Social Care (this is known as a managed account)
  • care and support organisation

To ask for someone else to manage your payments please:

If you need advice about direct payments

We work with Age UK Solihull to provide a Direct Payments Support Service.

You can contact Age UK by: