School buses

School bus services

The 895 and 823 school bus services are currently at capacity.

If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please complete an application form

We can help children get to their nearest school by providing a small number of bus routes.

Applying for a bus pass

If your child is starting a new school you can apply for a bus pass.

If your child qualifies for a free pass it will be issued at the beginning of the school year as long as your circumstances do not change. You do not need to reapply every year.

If you move house or your child moves school you must contact us.

At the beginning of each school year new bus passes will be printed and delivered to schools for your child to collect on the first day of term. All children can get on the bus without a pass for the first few days.

If your child does not qualify for a free pass you can purchase a bus pass if there are spare seats available. If your child does not use the bus pass no refunds will be provided.


All school bus routes within Solihull are listed below:

These bus routes are kept under review so do check here at least annually for any changes to buses and routes.

Code of conduct

All pupils using school bus services must follow our code of conduct.